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Chih-is Theory of Truth


来源:不详   作者:沈海燕
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Chih-i's Theory of Truth.doc

Haiyan Shen, Shanghai University

Chung-Hwa Buddhist Studies, No.8, 2004,



The key issue in the teaching of Buddhism concerns truth. It is one’s realization of truth that leads one to reach enlightenment. In sixth century China, T’ien-t’ai Chih-i correctly understood the importance of the issue of truth and had launched the whole discourse on truth. To him, truth is an object to be viewed, seeing that truth is subjective to one’s conception. The conception of truth determines one’s level of realization, from which each category of objects as truth can be divided into four levels. These four levels are arranged hierarchically relating to the Four Teachings according to Chih-i’s system of classification, with which four levels of enlightenment are derived. Chih-i’s scheme of objects of truth that includes six categories attempts to incorporate all types of truth that is either addressed in the teaching of the Buddha or is formulated by Chih-i himself. Chih-i’s painstaking discussion of objects as truth is further demonstrated in his comprehensive view of the six categories of objects as a whole. These six categories are interconnected and interpenetrated, and thus can illuminate each other in unveiling the ultimate reality of all dharmas. Through his discourse of truth, Chih-i established a practical course of attaining enlightenment in terms of what truth is, how truth can be approached, and how universal salvation can be realized.

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