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  [ 作者:阮氏雪

  【英文标题】A Study of the Concept of Anattan and the Meditation of Anattan in Sajyuktagama Sutra


  【英文关键字】Anattan|Pratitya-samutpada|Meditation|Samyuktagama- Sutra


  【英文摘要】AbstractBuddhism is the teachings of the Buddha, the perfect teachings of supreme goodness that the Buddha gave to instruct all the sentient beings of the dharma realm, and also the teachings of wisdom through which the ultimate truth of the universe and the human life is obtained.
  The thesis, mainly based on Sajyuktagama Sutra, probes into the methods of meditation of Anattan and their applications in the Buddha’s practices It attempts to present the Buddhist Way of liberation that is derived from Agama through the Buddha’s concept of anattan (or, selflessness) The thesis consists of five chapters, whose content is stated as follows field.
  Chapter One, “The Introduction,” is divided into three sections The first section states the purpose and the motivation of this study The second section defines the scope of this study and presents the methodology of this research, and the third section is a discussion of the research of the previous scholarship on this fieldChapter Two, “The Concept of the Buddha’s Anattan” contains three parts Part one traces the etymology of the word “self”; Part Two confirms the superior truth of anattan Part Three stresses the fact that the concept of anattan is the Buddha’s central idea Based on the concepts of “the five aggregates” and “arising from conditional causation,” it investigates the verbal and internal meanings of anattan Moreover, it discuss the Buddha’s central idea, the anattan, from the view point of the relationship between the concept of “arising from conditional causation” and the dharmaChapter Three, “Karma and Anattan” has three sections This chapter discusses the concept of anattan in Sajyuktagama from two aspects: firstly the idea of karma in the Primitive Buddhism, and “the influence of karma on conditional arising” and “anattan” Secondly, it points out the consistent way of the Buddha’s thinking while it elaborates the ideas of selfless, incarnation and rebirthChapter Four, “The Right View and The Right Observation of Anattan and Its meditation Practice,” includes two segments The first part observes anattan from the perspectives of the five aggregates, the twelve ayatana (entrances), and the eighteen dharma-realms It tackles the topic of anattan from the facts of impermanence, sufferings, and the arising from conditional causation, and with this observation, and its practice in Buddhist meditation The second part "The Meditation of Anattan in Sajyuktagama Sutra"
  Chapter Five, “The Conclusion”, it summarizes the concept of anattan in Sajyuktagama After then it presents the Buddhist way of liberation as derive from Sajyuktagama in the perspective of the Buddha''s anattan Finally, it points out the Buddha’s consistent way of teaching and its principles It also lists the ways of practice and the map of their procedures, which are to be embodied and attested by every individual.



  目 录
  目录 IV
  第一章 导论 1
  1.1 研究目的与动机 1
  1.2 研究范围与方法 2
  1.3 前人研究成果讨论 3
  第二章 佛陀的无我观 7
  2.1 “我”之语源 7
  2.2 无我的胜义12
  2.2.1 佛陀的“无我”要旨14
  2.2.2 一切法无我17
  2.3 无我法是佛陀之核心思想 22
  2.3.1 五蕴无我说 25
  2.3.2 缘起与无我 32 十二缘起的流转与还灭 32 缘起与无我的关系 42 四圣谛通于十二缘起 47 惑业苦与十二缘起 56
  第三章 业与无我论 59
  3.1 原始佛教的业报思想 59
  3.2 业感缘起与无我 60
  3.3 无我的轮回转生思想 67
  第四章 无我正见与无我正观之禅修法 76
  4.1 无我之观察与禅修法 76
  4.1.1 从阴、处、界观察无我 76
  4.1.2 由无常观察无我 84
  4.1.3 由苦观察我 87
  4.1.4 由诸行缘起观察无我 92
  4.2 无我的禅修法 93
  4.2.1 安那般那念的修习 96
  4.2.2 四念处禅修法 107
  4.2.3 蕴观的实践 117
  4.2.4 “无我”解脱的道路 122
  第五章 结论 125




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  3 《杂阿含经》,《大正新修大藏经》第一、二卷,新文丰出版社。
  4 《增一阿含经》,《大正新修大藏经》第二卷,新文丰出版社。
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  9 《成实论》,《大正藏》第三二卷。



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