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The origins of Buddhism and its spread to Korea


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The origins of Buddhism and its spread to Korea

by M.B.
Christian Science Monitor

Vol. 89 No. 122 05/20/97


Copyright by Christian Science Monitor



Dateline: SEOUL

Buddhism is a pan-Asian religion and philosophy that has played a central
role in the spiritual, cultural, and social life of the East. During the
20th century, its influence has spread in the West.

It is based on the teachings of a man who lived in northeast India during
the 6th century BC. Born as a prince named Siddhartha Gautama, this man who
would later be called Buddha gave up an extravagant and secluded life to
search for a way to explain and deal with the human misery he found,
according to ancient records.

After years of living as an ascetic and studying with religious masters, he
gained enlightenment one day while meditating under a bodhi tree, and
became The Buddha, meaning "the awakened one." He traveled around north
India to share his "way" to enlightenment and gained a wide following among
both royalty and common people.

What is Buddhism?

After his death, his ideas and practices spawned different schools or types
of Buddhism and spread eventually to northeast and southeast Asia. By some
estimates, more than 500 million people practice some form of Buddhism
today, with no central world authority.

One major school is Mahayana, or "big vehicle," which allows flexible
interpretations of Buddhist teachings. Another is Theravada, "path of the
elder," which strictly follows Buddhist precepts.

But the common practice among Buddhists is self-analysis aimed at freeing
themselves of ego-driven desires considered to be the root of all
suffering. Buddhists, by becoming self-aware through meditation and other
means, hope to help alleviate suffering.

Zen's way

The branch of Buddhism known as Zen - literally "meditation" - is seen as
one way to help people perceive things directly, without making
interpretations of their own.

Institutionalized in 7th-century Japan, Zen teaches its practitioners to
sit in a lotus position, focus on breathing, and try to clear away all
thoughts. It has become popular in America and Europe.

Korean Buddhists

Since Buddhism's introduction into Korea from China in the 4th century, it
has woven its way into Korean culture in the face of adversity.

Confucian rulers banned it in the 14th century, and Buddhist monks took
refuge in high mountains where they built picturesque temples and developed
a unique vegetarian cuisine of roots, fungus, and hearty greens that is
still followed today.

Today, South Korea hosts the oldest and best-preserved Chinese translation
of Buddhist scriptures: the Tripitaka, 81,258 wooden blocks engraved on
both sides.

Modern Buddhism

Although a quarter of South Koreans are Buddhist, some temples are under
police guard to protect them from Christian fundamentalist groups suspected
of arson attempts.

Practicing Buddhists say they don't make offerings at the temple so that
their prayers will be answered, but simply to show respect for someone they
admire. On the other hand, each November, Korean temples are crowded with
mothers praying for their children to do well on college entrance exams.

PHOTO (COLOR): BUDDHIST NUNS IN SEOUL: About a quarter of South Koreans
practice Buddhism. Christianity is also widely practiced, sometimes causing
conflict between the two religions. Over a thousand years ago, Buddist
monks had to hide in the mountains to avoid persecution from Confucian


By Michael Baker, Special to The Christian Science Monitor




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