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The Couch and the Tree: Dialogues in Psychoanalysis and Buddhism


来源:不详   作者:Anthony Molino
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The Couch and the Tree: Dialogues in Psychoanalysis and Buddhism,
ed. by Anthony Molino
Reviewed by Mark Woodhouse
Library Journal
Vol.123 No.18 (Nov 1, 1998)
COPYRIGHT 1998 Reed Publishing USA


The Couch and the Tree: Dialogues in Psychoanalysis and Buddhism.
North Point: Farrar. Nov. 1998. ed. by Anthony Molino.

Molino, a psychoanalyst, anthropologist, and translator, has put
together a timely collection of essays addressing the relevance of
psychoanalysis and Buddhism to one another. The first section, with
essays by Jung, Suzuki, Fromm, and Homey, among others, provides an
overview of some of the better-known seminal works in this area,
thus serving as an excellent foundation for the more contemporary
examinations in the second section. It is hard to imagine a more
thorough collection. Individual essays betray certain prejudices and
dispositions toward particular schools of thought, but the final
feeling of the collection is balanced. It becomes clear that
psychoanalysis and Buddhism have much to offer one another, as they
work essentially the same territory--examination of the elusive
nature of the human mind. Highly recommended, especially for
academic collections.




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