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英斯里兰卡僧人举行会谈 复兴大不列颠斯里兰卡僧伽会


来源:佛教在线   作者:佚名
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据了解,重新成立大不列颠斯里兰卡僧伽会,将兼顾英国所有寺院的斯里兰卡僧众利益,为此,英国佛学会会长兼伦敦佛教精舍住持Venerable Bogoda Seelawimala Nayaka Thera法师召集了英国所有寺院的僧众代表。(编译:子规)

London, 13 June, (Asiantribune.com): Sri Lankan Monks living in many parts of the United Kingdom met on Wednesday 27th May 2009 at London Buddhist Vihara to revive "The Sri Lankan Sangha Sabha of Great Britain". It was initially founded in 1991 with the full involvement of Sri Lankan monks in UK, under the honourable patronage of The Most Venerable Dr Medagama Vajiragnana late Sangha Nayaka Thera, former chief prelate of Great Britain.

This council was affiliated as a branch with The World Buddhist Sangha Council. However, it became inactive since 1998 due to reasons such as the unstable health of the late Most Venerable Dr Vajiragnana Sangha Nayaka Thera. Since then, it has been dormant for eleven years.

The recent meeting of the Maha Sangha is the revival of earnest and profound interests of all Sri Lankan monks (representing all the temples in Great Britain) to fulfill the timely need for a united congress. In order to re-establish this meeting, all the temples were called up by Most Venerable Bogoda Seelawimala Nayaka Thera, the chief prelate of Great Britain and head of the London Buddhist Vihara.


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