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来源:   作者:宣化上人
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  January 2011 VajraBodhiSea 23

  Sincerely Recite the Auspicious

  Spirit Mantra for Eradicating Disasters

  上人开示 A Dharma talk by the Venerable Master

  佛子英译 Translated into English by Fo Zi


  从今年元旦(春节)开始,大家诚心来念 消灾吉祥神咒:「曩谟三满多。毋驮喃。阿 钵啰底。贺多舍。娑曩喃。怛侄他。唵。 怯怯。怯四。怯四。吽吽。入哇啰。入哇 啰。钵啰入哇啰。钵啰入哇啰。底瑟奼。 底瑟奼。瑟致哩。瑟致哩。娑癹咤。娑癹 咤。扇底迦。室哩曳。娑哇诃。」 若能专一其心来念,一定会有不可思议 的感应。所谓「感应道交」,会获得这种 境界。我们为什么要念消灾吉祥神咒?为 令全世界人类消弭灾难,都得到吉祥,是 为拯救众生出离苦海而念,然后把这种功 德,回向给全世界上所有的人类。 我们在这里诚心诚意的念消灾吉祥神 咒,帮助所有的人类获得利益,无论信佛 或不信佛,无论是善人或是恶人;我们都为 他们回向,令其离苦得乐。所以要至诚恳 切的念,感动佛菩萨大发慈悲心,怜愍我 们众生,将灾难减轻。或者将大的灾难化 为小的灾难,将小灾难化为乌有。 这是我们尽了一分力量,为全人类祈 祷,消灾吉祥。这是有价值的事!万佛圣 城规定在每年阴历除夕之夜洒净,大年初 一之晨,开始念消灾吉祥神咒。各位!参 加这种法会是多么光荣!多么幸运!应该 打起精神来,诚心的念,不可敷衍了事, 躲懒偷安。大家团结一致为拯救众生而 念!念!念!念!

  From the first day of this New Year, everyone may sincerely chant the Auspicious Spirit Mantra for Eradicating Disasters, which goes like this, “Na Mo San Man Duo. Mu Tuo Nan. E Bo La Di. He Duo She. Suo Nang Nan. Da Zhi Tuo. Nan. Que Que. Que Xi. Que Xi. Hong Hong. Ru Wa La. Ru Wa La. Bo La Ru Wa La. Bo La Ru Wa La. Di Sai Cha. Di Sai Cha. Shai Zhi Li. Shai Zhi Li. Suo Pan Zha. Suo Pan Zha. Shan Di Jia. Shi Li Ye. SuoWa He.”

  If you recite single-mindedly, you will certainly invoke an inconceivable and miraculous response. These are called “response and the Way intertwined.” Why do we recite this mantra? We wholeheartedly recite to alleviate the calamities of mankind, to improve human welfare, and to save all beings from the sea of suffering. Then, we dedicate the merits from this recitation to every human being in the world.

  In this ceremony, we hope to benefit all beings through our recitation. Whether people are Buddhists, good or bad, we share our merits to alleviate their suffering and bring unconditional happiness to each individual. By reciting sincerely, we move the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas to take pity on living beings with great compassion so that the disasters and calamities will be abated. Perhaps major disasters will turn into minor ones and minor ones will disappear.

  We must strive to pray for all mankind so that disasters will be eradicated and auspicious events will occur. This is a sacred and meaningful purpose. On the eve of every Chinese New Year, the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas will host the Purification Ceremony. On the morning of the Chinese New Year day, recitation of this mantra will begin. It is a great honor to have this precious opportunity to participate. How fortunate we are! We must rouse our spirits to recite sincerely. Do not be indolent or perfunctory. We shall all unite our energy to liberate beings from suffering. Recite! Recite! Recite!







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