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来源:第二届世界佛教论坛论文集   作者:上海玉佛寺觉群中心副主任 徐东来
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关键词: 佛教 科学 科学规律 缘起 因果





科学规律或科学理论总是通过在同样条件下对事物相互联系的一个简明的说明。经由许多科学家在多次实验,并检验其结果与所设假说相符之后才成为科学规律或科学理论。它是被证明每当某些情况存在或遇见时,就不可避免会发生的这样一种现象。它更多的是在硬科学(hard sciences)上使用,与传统上的物理、生物和化学等自然科学联系在一起。











科学讲求证据。通过证据来确认规律的科学性。举例来说,对于苹果下落这样一个事实,我们援引地球重心吸力来解释这一现象。然而,即使在科学内部,规律或其理论也有不同的定义。有的是比较宽泛随意的,有的则要求精确。比如爱因斯坦的相对论,通常被称为“相对论” ,而牛顿引力理论常常被称为“万有引力规律”。正是由于在科学内部有这种对规律或理论的不同含义,使得它们对所述现象的论证的手段或形式也具有很大的随意性,而这在一定程度上成为科学规律或理论的不足,对其权威性构成挑战。





































































On the Difference between Buddhism and Science

——From the Perspective of the Characteristics of Scientific Laws or Theories

Xu Donglai

Abstract: Traditionally, Buddhism and science are most the two opposite disciplines of the knowledge. In this essay, the author makes a comparison between the two from the perspective of the characteristics of scientific laws or theories. From the comparison of the explanation in the original and the movement of the world, and the explanation of the Buddhist principle of Dependent Origination and principle of Cause and Effect. We could find that the Buddhist theories have more advantages than the so-called science.

Key words: Buddhism Science Scientific law and theory Dependent Origination Cause and Effect

Any kind of ideas or theories attracts and guides the conduct of all living creatures by its methods grasping of the world. And the best embodies of its grasping content are their theories or descriptions on the world. When its theories fit more phenomena, give the better explanation to the world, it becomes easier to attract and guide the public, or it will be easily abandoned.

In modern time, it seems that any theory or ideology have made it as the criteria to evaluate the power of attracting and guiding the human beings’ action. It is a product of the scientific dominion. But, in strictly accordance with the requirements of scientific theory, other theories’ influence on the world would be more profound than science itself. As for an example, Buddhism is one of them. By analyzing the characteristics of the law or theory, we can easily distinguish the difference between science and Buddhism.

I, What is meant by the law or theory?

i), definition of scientific law or theory

A scientific law is a concise verbal or mathematical statement of a relation that is always under the same conditions. Only after numerous experiments by many scientists over an extended period of time can a hypothesis become a scientific law. It is a phenomenon of nature that has been proven to invariably occur whenever certain conditions exist or are met; it is a formal statement about such a phenomenon; also called natural law. It is traditionally associated with the natural sciences like Physics, Biology and Chemistry, and it is used interchangeably with the term physical laws.

A scientific law is a law that should be taken to be universally applicable. It attempts to describe an observation in nature and applies to all of the different sciences. It is also a theory that has been tested and is believed to be true.

The word theory has many distinct meanings in different fields of knowledge, depending on their methodologies and the context of discussion. Definitively speaking, a theory is a unifying principle that explains a body of facts and the laws based on them. In other words, it is an explanation to a set of observations. Additionally, in contrast with a theorem the statement of the theory is generally accepted only in some tentative fashion as opposed to regarding it as having been conclusively established. This may merely indicate, as it does in the sciences, that the theory was arrived at using potentially faulty inferences (scientific induction) as opposed to the necessary inferences used in mathematical proofs. In these cases the term theory does not suggest a low confidence in the claim and many uses of the term in the sciences require just the opposite.

ii), characteristics of scientific law or theory

As a scientific law or theory, it attempts to describe an observation in nature and must be capable of testing and potentially of disproof.

The law or theory itself is derived from a scientific concept, it is a generalized statement that describes what is true in most or all cases, and it rose to the significance of metaphysics has become the inherent in nature, stable links in the development process of things or phenomena. Apart from it can be tested and occur again and again with the same conditions. Inherent nature, inevitability and stability are the features of the law. Nowadays, all scientific theory, are said to have such characteristics. It will not become the content of science without these characteristics. Laws or theories and their characteristics are the elements of a scientific definition.

Even about the characteristics of scientific law or theory, so-called science admits that in sometimes these characteristics will be opposed by the reality.

iii), the areas the law or theory effects

Theories exist not only in the so-called hard science (natural science and physical science), but in all fields of academic study, from philosophy to music to literature. In the humanities, theory is often used as an abbreviation for critical theory or literary theory. It is said that the scientific laws or theories could be used in all areas. It is a standard to evaluate the validity in different sciences, no matter in natural science, physical science or in social science.

II, The difference between Buddhism and science on the explanation of laws or theories

i), In science, evidence is the unique criteria for laws or theories, but there are defects in it. .

Evidence is the most important thing in science. In science, as laws can give the evidence to test its theories, laws are treated as guideline when taking actions. the word theory is used as a plausible general principle or body of principles offered to explain a phenomenon. For example, it is a fact that an apple dropped on earth has been observed to fall towards the center of the planet but we invoke theories of gravity to explain this occurrence. However, even inside the sciences the word theory picks out several different concepts dependent on the context. In casual speech scientists don't use the term theory in a particularly precise fashion, allowing historical accidents to determine whether a given body of scientific work is called a theory, law, principle or something else. For instance Einstein's relativity is usually called “the theory of relativity” while Newton's theory of gravity often is called “the law of gravity.” In this kind of casual use by scientists the word theory can be used flexibly to refer to whatever kind of explanation or prediction is being examined. It is for this instance that a scientific theory is a claim based on a body of evidence.

Theories are constructed to explain, predict, and master phenomena (e.g., inanimate things, events, or behavior of animals). In many instances we are constructing models of reality. A theory makes generalizations about observations and consists of an interrelated, coherent set of ideas and models. But “No matter how many times the results of experiments agree with some theory, you can never be sure that the next time the result will not contradict the theory. On the other hand, you can disprove a theory by finding even a single observation that disagrees with the predictions of the theory”(Stephen Hawking : A Brief History of Time).

Karl Popper described the characteristics of a scientific theory as follows:

It is easy to obtain confirmations, or verifications, for nearly every theory—if we look for confirmations. Confirmations should count only if they are the result of risky predictions; that is to say, if, unenlightened by the theory in question, we should have expected an event which was incompatible with the theory—an event which would have refuted the theory.

Every “good”scientific theory is a prohibition: it forbids certain things to happen. The more a theory forbids, the better it is.

A theory which is not refutable by any conceivable event is non-scientific. Irrefutability is not a virtue of a theory (as people often think) but a vice.

Every genuine test of a theory is an attempt to falsify it, or to refute it. Testability is falsifiability; but there are degrees of testability: some theories are more testable, more exposed to refutation, than others; they take, as it were, greater risks.

Confirming evidence should not count except when it is the result of a genuine test of the theory; and this means that it can be presented as a serious but unsuccessful attempt to falsify the theory.

Some genuinely testable theories, when found to be false, are still upheld by their admirers—for example by introducing ad hoc some auxiliary assumption, or by reinterpreting the theory ad hoc in such a way that it escapes refutation. Such a procedure is always possible, but it rescues the theory from refutation only at the price of destroying, or at least lowering, its scientific status.

One can sum up all this by saying that according to Popper, the criterion of the scientific status of a theory is its falsifiability, or refutability, or testability.

Several philosophers and historians of science, like Philip Kitcher(菲利普•基切尔), have argued that Popper's definition of theory as a set of falsifiable statements is wrong. According to Kitcher, good scientific theories must have three features:

Unity:” A science should be unified…. Good theories consist of just one problem-solving strategy, or a small family of problem-solving strategies, that can be applied to a wide range of problems”.

Fecundity:”A great scientific theory, like Newton's, opens up new areas of research…. Because a theory presents a new way of looking at the world, it can lead us to ask new questions, and so to embark on new and fruitful lines of inquiry…. Typically, a flourishing science is incomplete. At any time, it raises more questions than it can currently answer. But incompleteness is not vice. On the contrary, incompleteness is the mother of fecundity…. A good theory should be productive; it should raise new questions and presume those questions can be answered without giving up its problem-solving strategies”.

Auxiliary hypotheses that are independently testable:”An auxiliary hypothesis ought to be testable independently of the particular problem it is introduced to solve, independently of the theory it is designed to save” (1982: 46) (e.g. the evidence for the existence of Neptune is independent of the anomalies in Uranus's orbit).

Like other definitions of theories, including Popper's, Kitcher makes it clear that a good theory includes statements that have (in his terms) “observational consequences”. But, like the observation of irregularities in the orbit of Uranus, falsification is only one possible consequence of observation.

It is obviously that scientific law or theory is not so perfect, they have their own defects.

ii), In Buddhism, the qualification of individuals who make the laws or theories is suspected.

As discussed above, even though evidence is the unique criteria in science, it has its own unperfection. Buddhism doesn’t care about the special cases in science. buddhism aims all laws in science are specific cases in the universe, there is no universal law or theory fits for all cases or phenomena. What it has demonstrated are only a small part in the universe. Buddhism suspects the qualification of the individual person who makes the laws or theories. Because, in Buddhism teachings, human being is one of the six directions of reincarnation (the other five directions is the hells, hungry ghosts, animals, malevolent nature spirits and deva existence). Human beings are limited by the times and space, it is only one of the six, they are not perfect in their mind and action, they can not figure out a law or theory which could meet all the situation universally.

Comparing with science, the judgements made by Buddhism have more broaden using sphere. Which we could think is wiser than science.

III, The theories of science and Buddhism on the formation of the world

There are three schools of thought regarding the origin of the world. The first school of thought claims that this world came into existence by nature and that nature is not an intelligent force. The second school of thought says that the world was created by an almighty God who is responsible for everything. The third school of thought says that the beginning of this world and of life is inconceivable since they have neither beginning nor end.

Buddhism is in accordance with this third school of thought. Bertrand Russell supports this school of thought by sayings “There is no reason to suppose that the world had a beginning at all. The idea that things must have a beginning is really due to the poverty of our thoughts.”

i), The scientific explanation of the universe’s origination: big bang

The Big Bang theory is an effort to explain what happened at the very beginning of our universe. Discoveries in astronomy and physics have shown beyond a reasonable doubt that our universe did in fact have a beginning. Prior to that moment there was nothing; during and after that moment there was something: our universe. The big bang theory is an effort to explain what happened during and after that moment.

For thousands and thousands of years, mankind has asked the question "Where did our universe come from?” In 1948 a scientist, George Gamow, came up with the theory of the Big Bang. Gamow said that in the beginning there was nothing at all: just a big open space with a ball of heavily compressed matter, or”stuff”, floating in the middle of it. Gamow said that this ball had gravity and that gradually the tension created by the gravity became so great that it made the ball explode. As the stuff that made up the ball floated out in the different directions it became the planets, stars and meteorites that make up the different solar systems and galaxies of the universe.

After its initial appearance, it apparently inflated (the “Big Bang”), expanded and cooled, going from very, very small and very, very hot, to the size and temperature of our current universe. It continues to expand and cool to this day and we are inside of it: incredible creatures living on a unique planet, circling a beautiful star clustered together with several hundred billion other stars in a galaxy soaring through the cosmos, all of which is inside of an expanding universe that began as an infinitesimal singularity which appeared out of nowhere for reasons unknown. Then the universe began to take shape and constantly evolving, and the energy will be released. When the energy released to the end, the universe began to return the original state of the point, and then there will be a new Big Bang. This is the Big Bang theory.

Not long afterwards, some other scientists questioned Gamow’s theory. Even though it seemed like a decent explanation of where the present universe came from, it didn’t explain where the blob of stuff at the beginning of things came from.They argued that the blob must have come from somewhere else and that therefore, Gamow’s theory didn’t explain the whole story.

According to science, the Big Bang theory indicates that the universe originated 15 billion years ago from the cataclysmic explosion of a small mass of matter at extremely high density and temperature. Then the universe began to take shape and constantly evolving, and the energy will be released. When the energy released to the end, the universe began to return the original state of the point, and then there will be a new Big Bang.

ii), Buddhist explanation

Interestingly, Buddhists also say that the universe has existed since time without beginning. They break time down into four ‘aeons’, incredibly long periods of time lasting millions and millions of years. The first aeon is the ‘aeon of creation’, where things are just coming into existence. Then comes the ‘aeon of abiding’, where things have reached a kind of maturity and there is stability in the universe. Third comes the‘aeon of destruction’, where things start to get worse and worse until everything is destroyed. Finally, there is the aeon of space or‘nothingness’, where there is nothing but darkness. It is out of this darkness that the next universe appears, in yet another ‘aeon of creation’.

However, Buddhists go a step further than the scientists. They use the same kind of reasoning that was used by Gamow’s critics to prove that, just as the universe has existed forever, so too has the mind! Most Western people seem to believe that the mind suddenly appeared at some point in time. Buddhists say that this is impossible because you cannot have a ‘first moment’ of mind, a moment that is not the result of a previous moment.

In the eyes of the Buddha, the world is nothing but Samsara--the cycle of repeated births and deaths. To Him, the beginning of the world and the end of the world is within this Samsara. The world experiences the four kalpas or epochs: formation and completion; existing or abiding; destruction and annihilation. These four stages of the universe are in a circle evolution with no stopping. Since elements and energies are relative and inter-dependent, it is meaningless to single out anything as the beginning. Whatever speculation we make regarding the origin of the world, there is no absolute truth in our notion.

The speculative explanations of the origin of the universe that are presented by various religions are not acceptable to the modern scientists and intellectuals. Even the commentaries of the Buddhist Scriptures, written by certain Buddhist writers, cannot be challenged by scientific thinking in regard to this question.

Today scientists, historians, astronomers, biologists, botanists, anthropologists and great thinkers have all contributed vast new knowledge about the origin of the world. This latest discovery and knowledge is not at all contradictory to the Teachings of the Buddha. Bertrand Russell again says that he respects the Buddha for not making false statements like others who committed themselves regarding the origin of the world.

IV, The theories of science and Buddhism on the existence content of the world

i), science has advanced opinion and pay attention to special individuals

Science recognizes that all things in contemporary have the same right living in the same world which is the same as Buddhist notions. But the spirit of science, “to seek truth from facts”, is to determine a specific location for special cases, which is given by the theories with the so-called scientific laws or theories. It pays more attention on its differences in individuals.

As we know, no matter hard science, soft science or social science, all are divided in different sub-areas. To some extent, science is something like a tool to exam different special categories or areas of things and phenomena.

We learn knowledge from special things, we touch the outside world from the special things, even the things in our mind or dreams are special. Nevertheless, the laws or theories grasped by us are specific.

It is no fault for these. For we are all living in a particular realm—human existence of the six directions of incarnation. We can’t go far beyond the existence world. We have to survive in the same world. So, learning and handling with the specific matters are our real task in the world. The problem is that we should not evaluate all things with the criteria we gained in the existence world. Because there are other realms except our human being, there are other sentient beings we have never contacted or thought of. In this point, Buddhism has a more broaden perspective than so-called science.

ii), In Buddhism, there is no difference between the individuals in its ultimate nature.

In Buddhism, all beings are equal, whether it is in the past or in the future, in the human existence realm or in the other five realms. It explains the mutual interdependence relation based on the discipline of Dependent Origination and the principle of Causes and Effects.

Everything in the universe is built up of just four things, namely in Pathavi, Apo, Vayo and Tejo; or in English: Earth, Water, Air, and Fire. But the earth, water, air, and fire here mentioned are not quite the same as the plain earth, water, air, and fire we have to do with in the world about us every day. These four names in Buddhist Abhidhrama teaching, that is in the deeper doctrines of Buddhism, stand for forces orenergies, forces, energies, which, however, manifest themselves, make their presence known to living creatures like us, with sensoria such as are ours, as the things we call by these names. Earth, for instance, in Buddhist philosophy does not mean the dust in the road outside there, but the quality, the property, of Extension, of extensibility; that is, it means the power of occupying space. “Earth,” speaking Buddhistically, is the correlated space. “Earth” is where there is not space. Space is where there is not “earth.” Apo or Water, again, in Buddhist philosophy does not mean just the fluid in this jug and glass on the table before me. Speaking strictly Buddhistically, Apo or “Water” means the force of Cohesion wherever it may be found, in water and in everything that holds together and keeps its shape through the atoms composing it sticking to each other, more or less, and not flying off in all directions, as they might do but for the presence among them of this force of cohering which keeps them together in shape, somewhat as a drop of water holds together in the round shape of a small globular mass ol fluid on the leaf of a lotus flower. Vayo or Air represents the-force, Vibration, as found in the air, and for that matter, in .ill (lungs. And lastly, Tejo or Fire stands for radiation. Fire in all its forms and variants as latent heat and light and so on, is the most pronounced kind of radiation we have before our eyes, from the sun in the sky of our solar system, and the countless suns shining far out in space all about us, down to the least: little glow-worm in the grass or firefly in the air. Wherever radiation is found in our universe—and it is found everywhere: some, indeed, saying that the universe is nothing else but radiation—but wherever it manifests itself, there we have Fire .is that term is understood in Buddhist philosophy.

Another one, everyone has the nature to be a Buddha in someday. So, in nature, there is no difference between individuals things, they are all made of the same materials, and all the sentient beings have the same ability to be Buddha. In this way, Buddhism has a wholesome way in thinking about the universe, it thinks all matters are equal. When it takes things into account, all things will in its views at the same time. Each of its teachings or theories fit for all the conditions. In other words, the Buddhist doctrines will be validity in different times and spaces.

V, The theories of science and Buddhism on the development of the world

i), science has an advanced opinion, all the movement in the universe has a proper direction.

Science takes it in advance that the development of the world is in the procedure of progress. In essence, all the things and phenomena develop in only one forward direction, and there is no end of this procedure.

In historians’ opinion, today’s achievements are accumulated in the past years. All contemporary civilization is the results of the past development. Today is better than yesterday, and tomorrow will be definitely better than today. The world is in a procedure with the direction of development.

When we look up the word “progress” in dictionaries, we could find there are many progress in different science or areas. Just like philosophy, though there are two opposite attitude on this topic in philosopy); Progress in history; the largest-scale trend evolutionary progress in organisms and that the trend; the scientific progress of the abilities applied in solving problems; Social progress in which societies or individuals become better and something like progress trap, talking about the human ingenuity in pursuing progress, etc.

When we talk about the progress in science, it always gives us an attitude of optimism, whereas Buddhism gives us an attitude without optimism no pessimism.

ii), Buddhism has no pre-set point, all things in the world are move in a circle of four kalpas or epochs: formation and completion; existing or abiding; destruction and annihilation.

Buddhism doesn’t take it as a pre-set point that the procedure of development is progress. It takes all the time and the space, whether in past or in future, in globe or out of globe, and all the sentient beings in consideration at the same time. It explains the development of the world by the principle of causes and conditions and the Buddhist principle of causes and effects.

Here, we take the human existence as an example. A few Buddhists concepts seem strange to the modern mind. Buddha inherited the Indian belief in reincarnation: Each person has lived before, and past lives influence how you experience this one.

More strangely, Buddha said that, although people reincarnate, they have no souls. In part, this seems to be a reaction to the ancient Hindu belief in an immutable, eternal soul (atman) that migrates through many lifetimes. In part, though, Buddha arrived at this conclusion by his radical method of awareness. Buddhism invites you to look unwaveringly at every experience and ask, “Is it solid, unchanging, whole?”

The answer, Buddhists say, is always, “No”--even when asked of the soul. Everything changes. Everything is impermanent. It is our attempt to attach ourselves to impermanent things, and gain happiness there by, that guarantees and perpetuates suffering.

In some important ways, the Buddhist view of the universe resembles the view developed by 20th-century physics. Except for the mental categories we impose upon experience, we find nothing in experience that is immutable. There is no constant but our own misconceptions and our own doomed instinct to deny change. Every “thing” is actually a process--it arises, develops, flourishes, declines, and dissipates. All nouns are still-photos from the movie of life--which is made up of verbs. All that we see around and inside us is the result of trillions of simultaneous processes, arising and declining in a symphony of different overlapping rhythms at once. All that appears solid in this cosmos is in reality a shimmering, substanceless dance of energy in flux.

Though all things are in a process, but this process is very different from that sciences tell us. It doesn’t mean this process is a procedure of development, it maybe a retrograde movement, e.g. the Degenerate Times in Buddhism.

V, The advantage of the Buddhist theory of Dependent Origination

The Buddhist theory of Dependent Origination is “The being of one thing induces the existence of the other; the appearance of one thing causes the growth of the other; the nothingness of one thing demonstrates the nonexistence of the other; and the extermination of one thing brings about the extinction of the other”. This includes not only the human beings, but also the environment related to all beings. It is not only a tool for understanding the world and is also the basis for enlightenment Nirvana. The theory has the greatest scope of applicability.

In essence, the principle of Dependent Origination is a description of the process of the arising and cessation of suffering. The word “suffering” (dukkha) is a very important term in Buddhism. It figures in several of its most important teachings, such as the Three Characteristics (tilakkhana) and the Four Noble Truths (ariyasacca). In order to more clearly understand the principle of Dependent Origination, it is essential to first understand this word dukkha, or suffering.

The term “dukkha” in the Buddha's teaching is used in a much broader sense than is its English equivalent, “suffering”. In Buddha's words, it divides suffering into three types,they are:

Dukkha-dukkhata, the suffering which is a feeling. This includes both physical and mental suffering -- aches, pains, sadness and so on.

Viparinama-dukkhata: the suffering which is inherent in change; the suffering concealed within the inconstancy of happiness. This is the suffering which is caused by the changes within, and the cessation of, happiness. If the pleasant feeling had not arisen, the suffering dependent on it would likewise not have arisen. If pleasant feeling is accompanied by an awareness of its fickle nature, fear, worry and anxiety tend to shadow it. When the pleasant feeling in time passes away, it is followed by the longing, “I used to have such happiness, now it is gone.”

Sankhara dukkhata: the suffering which is inherent within all sankhara, all things which arise from determinants; specifically, the five khandhas. This refers to the subjection of all conditioned things to the contrary forces of birth and dissolution, how they are not perfect within themselves, but exist only as part of the cause and effect continuum. As such, they are likely to cause suffering (that is, the feeling of suffering, or dukkha-dukkhata) whenever there is inflexible craving and clinging to them through ignorance (avijja-tanha-upadana).

The most important kind of suffering is the third kind, which describes the nature inherent to all conditions, both physical and mental. Sankhara-dukkhata as a natural attribute assumes a psychological significance when it is recognized that conditions are incapable of producing any perfect contentment, and as such will cause suffering for anybody who tries to cling to them.

The principle of Dependent Origination shows the interdependence and interrelation of all things in the form of a continuum. As a continuum, it can be analyzed from a number of different perspectives:

All things are interrelated and interdependent; all things exist in relation to each other; all things exist dependent on determinants; all things have no enduring existence, not even for a moment; all things have no intrinsic entity; all things are without First Cause, or Genesis.

To put it another way, the fact that all things appear in their diverse forms of growth and decline shows their true nature to be one of a continuum or process. Being a continuum shows them to be compounded of numerous determinants. The form of a continuum arises because the various determinants are interrelated. The continuum moves and changes form because the various factors concerned cannot endure, even for a moment. Things cannot endure, even for a moment, because they have no intrinsic entity. Because they have no intrinsic entity they are entirely dependent on determinants. Because the determinants are interrelated and interdependent, they maintain the form of a continuum, and being so interrelated and interdependent indicates that they have no First Cause. The functioning of the principle of Dependent Origination applies to all things, both physical and mental, and expresses itself through a number of natural laws.

It is worth noting that kamma, as with all other cause and effect relationships, can only function because things are transient (anicca) and are void of intrinsic entity (anatta). If things were permanent and had intrinsic being in themselves, none of the natural laws, including the law of kamma, could operate. Moreover, these laws support the truth that there is no First Cause, or Genesis.

Things have no root cause or first arising. Tracing back along the stream of causes ad infinitum, no root cause can be found for anything. Another kind of reasoning which contradicts nature and is related to the idea of a root cause is the belief that in the beginning there was nothing. This kind of false reasoning is the human habit of ”clinging to concepts,” or “not knowing the truth of concepts,” which in turn is not knowing things as they are. This causes the attempt to find something eternal, a First Cause, Mover of All Things, or Creator, which in turn gives rise to a number of contradictions, such as: “How can that which is eternal create that which is non-eternal?”

In any case, searching for the facts regarding the question of a First Cause, a Creator God, and such, have little value in the Buddhist view, because they are not essential to a meaningful life. And even though reflecting on these matters can provide a wider world view as mentioned above, such reflection can still be passed over, as the value of the teaching of Dependent Origination in terms of life fulfillment already covers the benefits desired. We should therefore direct our attention more toward that.

VII, The advantage of Buddhist principle of Cause and Effect

The Buddhist principle of Causes and Effects says: “the Karma will not disappear until it given to the maker, even after long and long time”. The Karma, cause and effect in Buddhism have their special meanings. The principle could be applied in the largest scope in the universe.

From a Buddhist point of view, mathematics and science explain how things happen, but not why. Like science, Buddhism acknowledges the law of cause and effect in nature and physics, called niyamas .

This law works exactly like gravity or inertia. It is not run by observant gods punishing or rewarding people. If your friend jumped off a cliff and died, you wouldn't look up to the sky and cry out “Curse you gravity for killing my friend!” Similarly, if you constantly cause harm to other people and constantly have bad luck, there is no point blaming the gods or even the law of cause and effect itself.

You make your choices (likened to seeds in Buddhism). You bear the results (likened to fruit). When Buddhism recommends precepts of behaviour (sila), this is not in the style of a tyrant making arbitrary laws, but of a parent, with more experience than a child explain, for example, “Don't smoke”. It's not that the parent is anti-tobacco, but that they fear the consequences of smoking on the child. Through bitter experience and insight they have a better understanding of the risk of pain, disease and death. They love the child and want them to avoid these consequences even if the child is unable to fully understand them at this point. Similarly the Buddha had advice for our conduct based on his greater understanding of the nature of realty. Like the child though, we can understand the basic ideas ourselves and use our imagination to perceive that, in reality, these rules are even more beneficial than they seem to us.

In your whole life, you never saw a thing that existed independently. That is to say, you never saw a thing that wasn't created by something else. Everything is being created and changed constantly. If we think deeply about this, we can see it has a lot of implications and also that we constantly ignore this obvious fact. We behave as if everything is permanent.

If you have an open mind, initially that you should try to understand the theory of cause and effect. Then look for it in your life. When you see it happening, you will come to understand the theory is a law.

The law has something with the word “karma” in Buddhism. Sometimes, there are no differences between them. Karma has a positive or negative quality but it also has a “poetic justice” quality to it. It often comes back in the form it was made. This makes it easier to spot when it happens in your life.

From the comparison of the explanation in the original and the movement of the world, and the explanation of the Buddhist principle of Dependent Origination and principle of Cause and Effect, Buddhist theories have the advantages of the characteristics of the scientific law. And it can be applied in larger realm than science. Though we will not say that Buddhism is super than science, but the theories grasped by Buddhism is indeed better than the so-called science.


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