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四波罗提提舍尼(Patidesaniya )


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1. Should any bhikkhu chew or consume staple or non-staple food, having received it himself from the hand of an unrelated bhikkhuni in an inhabited area, he is to acknowledge it: "Friends, I have committed a blameworthy, unsuitable act that ought to be acknowledged. I acknowledge it."
1. 任何比丘在有人住的地方从和他无 (血缘) 关系的比丘尼手中接受食物并进食,犯 Patidesanja.

2. In case bhikkhus, being invited, are eating in family homes, and if a bhikkhuni is standing there as though giving directions, (saying,) "Give curry here, give rice here," then the bhikkhus are to dismiss her: "Go away, sister, while the bhikkhus are eating." If not one of the bhikkhus should speak to dismiss her, "Go away, sister, while the bhikkhus are eating," the bhikkhus are to acknowledge it: "Friends, we have committed a blameworthy, unsuitable act that ought to be acknowledged. We acknowledge it."
2. 如果比丘被邀请到他人家里用餐,而如果有位比丘尼站在那里给予指示,如 「那里给饭,那里给菜,」 比丘必须叫她离去,如果没有任何一位比丘叫她离去,犯 Patidesanja.

3. There are families designated as in training. Should any bhikkhu, not being ill, uninvited beforehand, chew or consume staple or non-staple food, having received it himself at the homes of families designated as in training, he is to acknowledge it: "Friends, I have committed a blameworthy, unsuitable act that ought to be acknowledged. I acknowledge it."
3. 有些家庭是被指派为修行的。如果任何比丘,无病,没被遥请,从这些家庭接受食物并进食,则犯 Patidesanja.

4. There are wilderness abodes that are dubious and risky. Should any bhikkhu, not being ill, living in such abodes, chew or consume unannounced (gifts of) staple or non-staple food, having received them himself in the abode, he is to acknowledge it: "Friends, I have committed a blameworthy, unsuitable act that ought to be acknowledged. I acknowledge it."
4. 有些郊外地区是可疑和危险的。如果任何比丘,无病,住在这种地方,在那里吃未被通告的食物,则犯 Patidesanja.




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