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  • The World and the Individual in Mahayana Buddhist Philosophy

    of reflection. And while distinguishing the factor of the life of experience, i.e., of real existence...former, i.e., the real existence, may also be introduced into the     p.159 content of conceptual...

    Yoshifumi Ueda


  • Avoiding the Void The Lack of Self in Psychotherapy and Buddhism

    immediate and terrifying (because quite valid) suspicion each of us has that "I" am not real right ...to ground itself -- i.e., to make itself real. If the sense-of-self is a construct, it can attempt to...

    David R. Loy


  • David Loy Interview Buddhist-Christian Studies

    outline for the book and the real work began. p. 322 David Loy Interview Buddhist-Christian Studies, ...five, 'Trying to Become Real', I discuss how our modern preoccupations with fame, romantic love and ...

    David Loy


  • It is more difficult to crush a flower

    product of ignorance is real only to the ignorant person; to the wise, it is just a verbal expression.[... is a verbal difference. What the ignorant take to be real, the wise see as an illusion created by ...

    Teschner, George


  • Saving Time A Buddhist Perspective on the End

    other space and time is an approximation to or perversion of the real space and time in which it lives. (Lewis Mumford) What is the "real space and time" in which our culture lives? A hundred years ...

    David R. Loy


  • Schopenauer And Buddhism

    real meaning of either--a fair amount of hermeneutical proficiency is also required. ...of the world of subjects and objects) are not real in an absolute sense. ...

    Peter Abelson


  • TheAuthorship of Nyayapravesa

    there is no real doubt that the Nyayadvara was used in the Pramanasamuccaya, and the ...real things, but it is equally clear that Dignaga himself denied the connection of ...

    A. Berriedale Keith


  • The Defeat of Vij~naaptimatrataa In China:

    school) considers the perfumations (vaasanaa) et cetera as ultimately not real (empty) [not endowed...teaching) constitutes only [an unreal] expediency [i.e. not dwelling on the real].(20) That is why (the ...

    Whalen Lai


  • The Neo-Confucian Confrontation with Buddhism:

    intentions of the sages, differences exist in that there are real and provisional doctrines.Confucianism and Taoism are provisional doctrines while Buddhism consists of both real and ...

    Edward T. Chien


  • The Spiritual Origins of the West: A Lack Perspective

    awareness of nonself -- the intuition that "I am not real" -- of which we become conscious (the "return...to ground itself, that is, to make itself real. If the sense-of-self is an always-insecure construct...

    David Loy

