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  这是一把具有中国古典文化意境的扇子,现在给大家每一位发一把,上面四个字是我题写的——“慈风普扇” 。










  Spray the Compassion Wind Everywhere

    ——Communications with American Students from Appalachian State University

  This is a Chinese style fan, which is supposed to be given to everyone here with my handwriting: Spray the Compassion Wind Everywhere.

  This is also an answer to one of the questions you asked me yesterday, why Chinese people always give away our best quality of everything. Have you ever thought about this question? Why do Chinese do that? 

  Two thousand years ago, Confucius once described an ideal society in The Book of Rites : When the Great Way is practiced, the world is for the public. Those with virtue and those with ability are chosen and used.People value trustworthiness and cultivate harmony with each other.Thus people do not treat only their parents like parents, nor do people treat only their sons like sons.That makes the aged have the appropriate last years, those in their prime have the appropriate employment, and the young have the appropriate growth and development.Elderly men with no spouses, widows, orphans, elderly people without children or grandchildren, the handicapped, the ill – all are provided for.

  The core principle in the Confucianism is that the world is like a common wealth shared by everyone equally and a Great Unity to all. And this highest spiritual realm laid the foundation for an ideal society in history---Everyone loves and respects his or her own parents and children, as well as the parents and children of others. 

  So the Chinese culture is really the culture about family. All Chinese belong to one big family, a big family in which all on this planet are brothers and sisters.

  Could you answer me this question that when your mum tries to feed you a grape , which one she will give to you, the best or the worst? (The answer is, of course,  the best. )

  The compassion wind actually stands for the tender heart of our mother, the heart of God, because God loves everyone. What is the heart of God ? Our mothers' tender heart is the heart of God. Inside of everyone's body there is a loving, kind, compassion and tender heart; we hope that we could love everyone, care about everyone, just like our mother, the God. May this mild compassion kind wind spray to every corner in this world! May the wind turn the desert into oasis, give shelter to the homeless people, turn a crying face into a big smile face and satisfy all the hungry people! With the compassion wind spraying, all enemies would lower their weapons and hug each other.

  Once the loving tender heart is fullfilled all over our world, it will bring civilization to our world, it will bring equality to  merchandise trading, to diplomatic negotiations. 

  As a Chinese, through the very beginning of our education, we were imbued with how to get rid of our selfishness, how to develop the value of life to offer as a tribute to help the others, no matter of what.

  The Chinese culture has profound meanings, which is more than the food culture. To the Chinese culture itself, it is a feast indeed. And on this planet the existence of Chinese culture is a luxury to the human civilization. 

  So these four Chinese characters are very meaningful. Ci Feng Pu Shan ---  Compassion Wind Spray Everywhere. The pronunciation of fan is also the pronunciation of charity in Chinese. So it's not only providing the physical wind when you're using this fan. It  also stands for the wind of human civilization. The wind of our mothers' love and God's love and the love form the Buddha.

  (The script of translation is based on live broadcasting)




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