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据《曼谷邮报》报道,2009年8月11日,泰国政府发言人Pumin Leethiraprasert议员表示,泰国内阁同意泰国国家佛教办公室的提议,从三个国家公园中划出部分地方来修建三座寺院。

在该提议中,乌汶省的Pha Taem国家公园将划出15rai(rai,泰国国家面积单位,一公顷等于6.25rai)来修建Ban Thung Na Muang寺。清迈的Doi Suthep国家公园将让出15rai来修建Doi Pui 寺。泰国帕尧的Phusang国家公园将让出14rai来修建Phra That Khun Bong寺。

Pumin先生表示,当内阁正在审核这个提议时,泰国自然资源和环境部部长Suwit Khunkitti表示自然资源和环境部已经草拟了一个佛教公园的项目,旨在自然和宗教共存,不会发生公园里不能有寺院或公园让出其地方修建寺院的情况。在该项目中,佛教森法律将会照看他们寺院所在的森林。


The cabinet on Tuesday approved the National Office of Buddhism's proposal for three national parks to give away parts of their areas for the setting up of three temples, said deputy government spokesman Pumin Leethiraprasert.

Under the proposal, the Pha Taem National Park is to give away 15 rai of its land for the setting up of Ban Thung Na Muang temple in Ubon Ratchathani province, the Doi Suthep National Park to give away 15 rai land to make way for Doi Pui Temple in Chiang Mai, and the Phusang National Park to do likewise with 14 rai land for the Phra That Khun Bong temple in Phayao.

Mr Pumin said while the cabinet was considering the proposal, Natural Resources and Environment Minister Suwit Khunkitti said his ministry has drawn up a "Buddhist Park" project which is intended for forests and religion to co-exist without having to evict temples out of national parks or requiring the parks to give away parts of their areas for temples. Under the project, Buddhist monks will also look after the forest where their temple is located.

The project, however, has yet to be forwarded to the cabinet for consideration.


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