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斯里兰卡教育部举办佛学院新大纲推行仪式 斯总统出席


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斯里兰卡克拉尼亚大学校长Welimitiyawe Kusaladamma长老也做了重要发言,重申了在国家新时期僧人的任务。


President Mahinda Rajapakse commends the services rendered by the Pirivenas in the correct teaching of the Thripitaka Dharma. The President made these remarks participating in a ceremony to introduce the new syllabus relating to the basic grade of the Pirivenas, organized by the Pirivena Education Unit of the Ministry of Education, held at the BMICH this morning.

The Education Ministry has introduced a basic six year Piriven education programme, in place of the current five year programme.

The President has expressed hope that the new six year course will help to enhance the Dhamma education of the novice bikkus and to enhance their artistic talents.

Prime Minister Rathnasiri Wickremanayake issuing a special message said a Buddhist temple centre social set up will contribute for the general public to lead virtuous lives. He also called upon the bikkus and Buddhist intellectuals to take the lead inculcating humanistic and spiritual thinking to the society.

The keynote address was delivered by the chancellor of the Kelaniya University most venerable Welimitiyawe Kusaladamma thera. The thera reiterate the task of the modern bikku at a time when the country is preparing to treat on a new path.

More than one thousand bikkus including 600 chief incumbent bikkus of pirivenas attended the ceremony


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