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据英国首相办公室官方网站报道,2009年7月7日,英国首相布朗向英国以及全世界的佛教徒表达了他的良好祝愿,希望他们可以过一个欢乐、祥和的初转法轮日(Dharma Day)。


英国首相在祝辞中表示:“初转法轮日的内涵全社会的人们都应该了解,它代表着我们对佛祖赐予人类智慧的感恩。全社会的人们都可以学习月初转法轮日的意义: 对智慧的感恩以及慷慨地分享和有耐性地思考。当我们去思考佛祖第一次布道时,我们应该感恩于佛祖教导我们的价值观,以及我们的佛教团体对英国国民生活所做出的贡献。无论是在家里进行禅修,还是和家人一起去寺院礼佛,我都希望你们可以过一个欢乐祥和的初转法轮日,也请把我最美好的祝愿带给你们的家人和朋友。”(编译:子规)

The Prime Minister has wished a peaceful Dharma Day to Buddhists in Britain and around the world.

The day, which is also known as Waso, is celebrated on the full moon day of July every year.

It marks the start of Buddha’s teaching, when he gave his first sermon to his original disciples after his Enlightenment.

The PM said:“I wanted to pass on my very best wishes to all of Britain’s Buddhists, and Buddhists around the world, who are celebrating Dharma Day today.”

“The messages of Dharma Day are ones that all communities can learn from: gratitude for wisdom, generosity in sharing it and patience in reflecting upon it. As we think today about the Buddha beginning his teaching we should all celebrate the values which Buddhism has to teach us and the contribution of our Buddhist community to Britain’s national life.”

“Whether meditating at home, gathering with family or attending temple, I wish you all a very peaceful Dharma Day. Please do pass on my warm best wishes to your family and friends.”


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