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为庆三宝佛节 泰国帕通海滩所有娱乐场所将关闭一天


来源:佛教在线   作者:佚名
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帕通娱乐企业协会主席Sompetch Moosopon表示,帕通娱乐企业协会会员已于6月23日在班素可泰饭店相见,共同探讨庆祝泰国公共节日——三宝佛节的活动计划。大家一致通过在节日当天举行布施法会以及一系列的活动。预计会有400多个娱乐单位参加。“关闭娱乐场所,给那些在娱乐场所工作的员工们做功德、思考佛教重要性的机会,这已经是第七年了。我们想要在Soi Bangla和全帕通形成一种在三宝佛节当天关闭娱乐场所的传统。”



PATONG, PHUKET: All entertainment venues in Patong will close on July 7 to observe the Buddhist holiday of Asarnha Bucha.

Sompetch Moosopon, president of the Patong Entertainment Business Association (PEBA), said the PEBA committee met at the Baan Sukhothai Hotel & Spa on Tuesday to discuss plans for Asarnha Bucha Day, which is a public holiday in Thailand.

It was agreed to hold merit-making ceremonies as well as a range of activities aimed at building camaraderie among the scores of people employed in the Patong nightlife entertainment industry.

“This will be the seventh consecutive year that we will close entertainment venues in Patong to give workers the chance to make merit and reflect on the importance of Buddhism. We want to establish this as a tradition for Soi Bangla and all of Patong,” he said.

Employees of over 400 entertainment venues are expected to take part, he said.

Events will kick off just after dawn, a time when many nightlife workers are normally just going to bed.

At 7am there will be an alms-offering ceremony organized by Patong Municipality, with merit-makers offering monks rice, non-perishable foodstuffs, robes and other necessities.

Financial contributions will also be accepted by the Patong Hospital Foundation, a charity set up to help poor patients pay their medical bills, he said.

The Patong Football Field on the beach road will be the focus of activity in the afternoon, when “sport color day” activities will see workers from various nightlife establishments band together into nine teams, each with a different color.

The wide range of competitive events will include such classics as tug-of-war and sack races. Awards will also be given to the teams with the best cheering sections.

“We want to develop harmony and give everyone a chance to have fun with one another,” Mr Sompetch said.

The merit-making and team-building activities will help create a unified spirit, helping industry workers fight together to survive during these tough economic times, he said.


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