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波兰在Colonel Summers 公园举办波兰佛教节 提倡环境保护


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据《佛教文化新闻网》报道,2009年6月13日,佛教和平友谊会在波兰Colonel Summers 公园为第六届佛教年度节日举办了主题为“感触地球(Touching The Earth)”的波兰佛教节。来自波兰全国超过18个佛教社区的信众参加了此次活动,共同探讨分享佛法的修习。



Come to Colonel Summers Park at SE 17th and Taylor Portland Buddhist Festivalfor the 6th Annual Buddhist Festival in the Park. Sponsored by the Buddhist Peace Fellowship this event brings together over 18 different Buddhist communities from all around Portland to discuss and share Buddhist practice.

The day kicks off at 11AM with booths sponsored by the different groups as well as Buddhist goods . The festival features pavilions for both adults and children both featuring musicians and workshops on how to meditate (yep, for kids too). There will also be a community art project on-going throughout the day. There is also a fund-raising raffle planned for the afternoon.

This year’s festival theme is Touching the Earth and focuses on the green movement as part of Buddhist practice. It is said that Shakyamuni, the historical Buddha, touched the earth when challenged in his quest for enlightenment, and the earth was witness to his concentration. In honor of this Buddhist monastics for centuries have undertaken a vow to live simply on what is given to them.


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