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英首相布朗电贺卫赛节 望用宗教推进世界经济新秩序


来源:佛教在线   作者:佚名
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London, 08 May, (Asiantribune.com):While Buddhists are getting ready to celebrate Wesak (Vesak) festival all over the world, British Prime Minister Gordon Brown has sent a very rare Wesak message to Buddhists in Britain saying that everyone could learn from the Buddhist philosophy and should reflect on the contribution the religion has made to society.

In his message the British PM said "I wanted to take this opportunity to wish you a very happy Wesak. Britain’s Buddhists will join with others around the world to reflect on the birth and enlightenment of Lord Buddha and I wanted to let you know that my thoughts are with you as you celebrate this Buddha Day".

"Today we should reflect on the great spiritual contribution that Buddhism has made to the world and congratulate Britain’s Buddhists for their vibrant contribution to our national life. Please do pass on my best wishes to your family and friends".

In recent times PM Gordon Brown has used some religious quotes in his speeches. He tried to use religion to push for new global economic order in the current ecomomic downturn, the world is facing including Britain. Last month when the world’s wealthiest leaders were in London for G20 Summit, in a speech at St. Paul’s Cathedral the British PM drew on religious doctrine and said "when Buddhists say hurt not others in ways that you yourself would find hurtful".

Reporters commented that it is highly unusual for British politicians to publicly draw on religious themes.
This year the Prime Minister’s special Wesak message has added a greater significant and a recognition to Wesak celebrations in the UK.


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