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来源:不详   作者:林兆先生
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  Selections from
  All(mental)states have mind as their forerunner,mind is their chief,and they are mind-made, If one speaks or acts, with a defiled mind, then suffering follows one even as the wheel follows the hoof of the draught-ox.
  1. 一切精神的境界都由思想指引,思想是它们的首脑,它们也是由思想创造的。如果随著败坏了的思想来说话和行动,痛苦就会一如车轮跟著拉车的牛那样亦步亦趋。
  All(mental)states have mind as their forerunner,mind is their chief,and they are mind-made. If one speaks or acts, with a pure mind, happiness follows one as one`s shadow that does not leave one.
  2. 一切精神的境界都由思想指引,思想是它们的首脑,它们也是由思想创造的。如果随著纯洁的思想来说话和行动,快乐就会一如影子跟著人那样不会离去。
  ‘He abused me, he beat me, he defeated me, he robbed me’: the hatred of those who harbour such thoughts is not appeased.
  3. 有些人怀著这些念头:“他侮辱我、他殴打我、他打倒我、他抢劫我。”他们的仇恨很难平息。
  Hatred is never appeased by hatred in this world; it is appeased by love. This is an eternal Law.
  5. 在这个世界上,仇恨永远不能由仇恨平息,而是由爱心;这是永恒的规律。
  Whosoever is energetic, mindful, pure in conduct, discriminating, self-restrained, right-living, vigilant, his fame steadily increases.
  24. 谁是积极、小心、清廉、敏锐、克制、正当、警惕、那么他的名誉就会稳定地增长。
  By endeavour, diligence, discipline, and self-mastery, let the wise man make(of himself)an island that no flood can overwhelm.
  25. 只要尽力、勤劳、克己、自重、这个有智慧的人就好像建造了一个不会水淹的岛屿。
  Fools, men of little intelligence, give themselves over to negligence, but the wise man protects his diligence as a supreme treasure.
  26. 愚蠢的人或者是智慧不高的人会被疏忽所戏弄;而有智慧的人会保护自己的勤奋像保护宝藏一样。
  Give not yourselves unto negligence; have no intimacy with sense pleasures. The man who meditates with diligence attains much happiness.
  27. 不要让疏忽戏弄你;不要亲近情欲。时常勤奋的人可得到更多的快乐。
  This fickle, unsteady mind, difficult to guard, difficult to control, the wise man makes straight, as the fletcher the arrow.
  33. 既易变又不定的思想是很难去约束、去控制;但是有智慧的人的思想就很直率,就像制箭人的箭那么直率。
  Hard to restrain, unstable is this mind; it flits wherever it lists. Good it is to control the mind. A controlled mind brings happiness.
  35. 思想很难约束、易变,只要一飞它就会倾侧。所以控制思想是好的;受控制的思想会带来快乐。
  He whose mind is unsteady, he who knows not the Good Teaching, he whose confidence wavers, the wisdom of such a person does not attain fullness.
  38. 如果一个人的思想是不定的,他不会洞悉“真善的教义”;如果信心动摇,他的智慧不会达致完满。
  Whatever harm a foe may do to a foe, or a hater to another hater, a wrongly-directed mind may do one harm far exceeding these.
  42. 无论一个敌人怎样对待他的敌人、或者他憎恨的人,歪念的伤害比这些更厉害。
  Neither mother, nor father, nor any other relative can do a man such good as is wrought by a rightly-directed mind.
  43. 即使母亲、或者父亲、甚至任何亲友给与一个人的好处都比不上正确指导的思想所带来的好处。
  The man who gathers only the flowers(of sense pleasures),whose mind is entangled, death carries him away as a great flood a sleeping village.
  47. 如果一个人只爱惜(情欲的)花朵,他的思想是混乱的;死亡就会像洪水冲走沉睡中的村落那样带走他。
  One should not pry into the faults of others, into things done and left undone by others. One should rather consider what by oneself is done and left undone.
  50. 不要追究别人的过失、或者做完的事情、甚至未做完的事情;而是应该反观自己做完的事情、和未做完的事情。
  As a beautiful flower that is full of hue but lacks fragrance, even so fruitless is the well-spoken word of one who does not practise it.
  51. 就像色彩斑斓的花朵,失去了芳香;口齿伶俐的人只说不做也一样收不到成果。
  If, as one fares, one does not find a companion who is better or equal, let one resolutely pursue the solitary course; there can be no fellowship with the fool.
  61. 如果找不到一个比自己更好、或者一样的伴侣;就要坚毅地单独上路,决不要找个愚人作陪。
  “I have sons, I have wealth”: thinking thus the fool is troubled. Indeed, he himself is not his own. How can sons or wealth be his?
  62. 如果一个愚人常想著:“我有子女、财富,”烦恼便会产生;其实,他也不属于自己的、何况子女、财富?
  Even if all his life a fool associates with a wise man, he will not understand the Truth, even as the spoon (does not understand)the flavour of the soup.
  64. 愚人尽管一生和有智慧的人交往,他都不能明白真理;就像汤匙(不能了解)汤的味道。
  That deed is not well done, which one regrets when it is done and the result of which one experiences weeping with a tearful face.
  67. 如果没有好好地把事情做妥、做这件事情的人会后悔,又要哭丧著脸地忍受它带来的后果。
  The fool thinks an evil deed as sweet as honey, so long as it does not ripen(does not produce results). But when it ripens, the fool comes to grief.
  69. 愚人总以为坏事像蜜糖那样甜、只要那坏事不致成熟(产生后果);但当它成熟时,那愚人就要后悔了。
  Even as a solid rock is unshaken by the wind, so are the wise unshaken by praise or blame.
  81. 就像磐石不会被风摇动,有智慧的人不会被称赞或者责怪所动摇。
  Even as a lake, deep, extremely clear and tranquil, so do the wise become tranquil having heard the Teaching.
  82. 就像一个湖,深邃、清澈、平静,有智慧的人听了“真善的教义”就会变得平和。
  Few among men are they who cross to the further shore. The others merely run up and down the bank on this side.
  85. 很少人可以到达彼岸,其他人只是在这岸边跑来跑去。
  For him, who has completed the journey, who is sorrowless, wholly set free, and rid of all bonds, for such a one there is no burning(of the passions).
  90. 谁可以完成那路程,谁已是无悔、完全自由、全无羁绊,再无(情欲)的燃烧了。
  He whose senses are mastered like horses well under the charioteer`s control, he who is purged of pride, free from passions, such a steadfast one even the gods envy(hold dear).
  94. 谁能像马车夫驾驭马匹那样控制自己的感官,谁已涤尽骄傲、再无情欲;这样稳健的人,连神祇都羡慕(欣赏)他。
  Calm is the thought, calm the word and deed of him who, rightly knowing, is wholly freed, perfectly peaceful and equipoised.
  96. 如果能够平静地思想、平静地说话和做事,就能达致完全自由、平和、平衡。
  The man who is not credulous, who knows the ‘uncreated’, who has severed all ties, who has put an end to the occasion (of good and evil),who has vomited all desires, verily he is supreme among men.
  97. 谁能不信谎言、但是知道 ‘不生’、脱离所有连系、决绝(引起好与坏)的起源、而且放弃所有欲望,他肯定出人头地。
  One may conquer in battle a thousand times a thousand men, yet he is the best of conquerors who conquers himself.
  103. 一个人虽能在一千场战役,征服上千的人;但是最好的征服者却是能够征服自己的人。
  104 – 105
  Better is it truly to conquer oneself than to conquer others. Neither a god, nor an ‘angel`1, nor Mara, nor Brahma could turn.
  1 Gandbabba, freely rendered as ‘angel’, refers to a class of semi-divine beings: heavenly musicians
  into defeat the victory of a person such as this who is self-mastered and ever restrained in conduct.
  104-5 征服自己当然征服其他人更好。如果一个人能够控制自己的感官又能够约朿自己的行为,那么、即使神祇、 ‘天使’(注1)、梵沙门(Maras)、婆罗门(Brahmins)都不能打败这个人。
  Though one may live a hundred years with no true insight and self-control, yet better, indeed, is a life of one day for a man who meditates in wisdom.
  111. 虽然一个人可以生存一百年,都没有真正顿悟和自制。但是最好能够有一天有智慧地思想。
  Make haste in doing good; restrain your mind from evil. Whosoever is slow in doing good, his mind delights in evil.
  116. 赶快去做好事,防止思想沾染邪恶;慢了做好事,思想就会欢迎邪恶。
  It is well with the evil-doer until his evil(deed)ripens. But when his evil(deed)bears fruit, he then sees its ill effects.
  119. 直至坏事成熟,干坏事的人以为觉得很好;但当坏事成熟时,他要面对后果。
  It is ill, perhaps, with the doer of good until his good deed ripens. But when it bears fruit, then he sees the happy results.
  120. 直至善事成熟,做善事的人似乎觉得很差;但当善事成熟时,他会欣赏成果。
  Do not think lightly of evil, saying: ‘It will not come to me’. Even a water-pot is filled by the falling of drops. Likewise the fool, gathering it drop by drop, fills himself with evil.
  121. 不要轻视坏事、譬如说, ‘它不会来临’。但像水缸盛著水滴,愚人一滴一滴的积累、 直至整个人都盛满坏事。
  Do not think lightly of good, saying: ‘It will not come to me’. Even as a water-pot is filled by the falling of drops, so the wise man, gathering it drop by drop, fills himself with good.
  122. 不要轻视善事、譬如说, ‘它不会来临’。但像水缸盛著水滴,有智慧的人一滴一滴
  Whosoever offends an innocent person, pure and guiltless, his evil comes back on that fool himself like fine dust thrown against the wind.
  125. 得罪了一个清白、纯洁、无邪的人;像当著风扔细尘那样,罪恶会回到这愚人身上。
  All tremble at weapons; all fear death. Comparing others with oneself, one should not slay, nor cause to slay.
  129. 所有人看见武器都会震剽、所有人都怕死。以此作准则,就不要杀戳、或者导致别人杀戳。
  He who, seeking his own happiness, torments with the rod creatures that are desirous of happiness, shall not obtain happiness hereafter.
  131. 一个人如果为了追求自己的快乐,而用棍折磨同样要求快乐的生物;从此,这个人不会再得到快乐。
  The man of little learning(ignorant)grows like a bull; his flesh grows, but not his wisdom.
  152. 没有学养的人像牛一样长大;他的肌肉增长,但他的智慧却没有增长。
  Not having lived the Holy Life, not having obtained wealth in their youth, men pine away like old herons in a lake without fish.
  155. 未曾修习 ‘神圣生活’、未曾在年青时得到财富,就只会像老鱼鹰对著没有鱼的湖那样惆怅。
  If a man practises himself what he admonishes others to do, he himself, being well-controlled, will have control over others. It is difficult, indeed, to control oneself.
  159. 当劝导别人去做一些事,而自己又能够实践这些事;那么,他既然善于约束自己,当然能够约束别人。其实约束自己是很难的。
  Oneself is one`s own protector(refuge);what other protector(refuge)can there be? With oneself fully controlled, one obtains a protection(refuge)which is hard to gain.
  160. 自己就是保障人(归依处),还有其他的保障人吗?只要完全约束自己,就已经找到什么地方都找不到的保障。
  By oneself indeed is evil done and by oneself is one defiled. By oneself is evil left undone and by oneself indeed is one purified. Purity and impurity depend on oneself. No one can purify another.
  165. 其实,坏事是自己做的、败坏也是自己做的;避免自己做坏事、洁净也是自己做的。
  Do not follow mean things. Do not dwell in negligence. Do not embrace false views. So the world(i.e. Samsara, the cycle of existence and continuity)is not prolonged.
  165. 不要追求庸俗的事物、不要停于无知之中、不要接纳错误的想法;这样,这世界(即
  Come, behold this world, how it resembles an ornamented royal chariot, in which fools flounder, but for the wise there is no attachment to it.
  171. 来看看这世界,它很像华丽的皇家马车:愚人被它迷惑了、但是,有智慧的人却对它无动于中。
  Better is the gain of Entering the Stream than sole sovereignty over the earth, than going to heaven, than rule supreme over the entire universe.
  178. 能够达到 ‘入流’这境界(译注),就比较统治世界、进入天堂、以至驾驭宇宙都要珍贵。
  Not to do any evil, to cultivate good, to purify one`s mind, this is the Teaching of the Buddhas.
  183. 不做坏事、多做好事、洁净思想:这就是佛陀的教义。
  The most excellent ascetic practice is patience and forbearance. ‘Nibbana is supreme’, say the Buddhas. He indeed is no recluse who harms another; nor is he an ascetic who hurts others.
  184. 最好的苦行是忍耐和克制。佛陀说:“涅槃是最高无上的。”实际上,作为出家人, 他没有伤害别人;作为苦行者,也没有伤害别人。
  To speak no ill, to do no harm, to practise restraint according to the fundamental precepts, to be moderate in eating, to live in seclusion, to devote oneself to higher consciousness, this is the Teaching of the Buddhas.
  185. 不说坏话、不做坏事、依基本戒律学习克制、有节制地进食、住在隐蔽的地方、全心修炼更高的觉悟──这就是佛陀的教导。
  Happy indeed we live without hate among the hateful, We live free from hatred amidst hateful men.
  197. 尽管在可恨的人中间,仍能毫无怨恨地生活,这就是快乐。我们要在可恨的人中间毫
  The conqueror begets enmity; the defeated lie down in distress. The peaceful rest in happiness, giving up both victory and deteat.
  201. 战败者悲痛地躺下、征服者因而招致仇怨。平和的人却能舍弃胜利和挫败而安享快乐。
  Health is the best gain; contentment is the best wealth. A trusty friend is the best kinsman; Nibbana is the supreme bliss.
  204. 健康是最好的得著,知足是最好的财富;可靠的朋友是最好的亲友、涅槃是最高无上的乐土。
  Having tasted of the flavour of solitude and tranquillity, one becomes woeless and stainless, drinking the essence of the joy of Truth.
  205. 尝过隐居和宁静的滋味,因而变得无苦无疚,便细味真理的喜悦。
  From lust arises grief; from lust arises fear. For him who is free from lust there is no grief, much less fear.
  215. 从贪婪生出悲伤、也生出恐惧。如果能够除去贪婪,便没有悲伤、也少了恐惧。
  He who holds back arisen anger as one checks a whirling chariot, him I call a charioteer; other folk only hold the reins.
  222. 谁能够像制止翻滚的马车地压抑怒火,我会称许他是善御者、而其他只是拉缰绳的人。
  Conquer anger by love, evil by good; conquer the miser with liberality, and the liar with truth.
  223. 以爱心降服愤怒、好事降服坏事、慷慨降服吝啬、而以真理降服欺诈。
  Be on your guard against physical agitation; be controlled in body. Forsaking bodily misconduct, follow right conduct in body.
  231. 防范行为的激动、也要谨慎行为;不要乱行为、要循正确的方法行为。
  Be on your guard against verbal agitation; be controlled in words. Forsaking wrong speech, follow right ways in words.
  232. 防范说话的激动、也要谨慎说话;不要乱说话、要循正确的方法说话。
  Be on your guard against mental agitation; be controlled in thoughts. Forsaking evil thoughts, follow right ways in thoughts.
  233. 防范思想的激动、也要谨慎思想;不要乱思想、要循正确的方法思想。
  The wise are controlled in deed, controlled in words, controlled in thoughts, verily, they are fully controlled.
  234. 聪明的人在行为上、语言上、思想上都会克制自己;即是说:他们能够克制自己。
  By degrees, little by little, from moment to moment, a wise man removes his own impurities, as a smith removes the dross of silver.
  239. 一点一滴地、一分一秒地、聪明的人好像冶金工人擦去银器上浮渣一样,渐渐除去自己的垢秽。
  As rust, arisen out of iron, eats itself away, even so his own deeds lead the transgressor to the states of woe.
  240. 好像铁锈那样,来自铁、却把铁蚀掉;违规的人被自己的所为带到苦恼的境地。
  Know this, O good man, that evil things are uncontrollable. Let not greed and wickedness drag you to suffering for a long time.
  248. 善良的人紧记:邪恶的事只会一发不可收拾;不要被贪婪和罪恶拖累,以致长期受折磨。
  There is no fire like lust. There is no grip like hate. There is no net like delusion. There is no river like craving.
  251. 没有火焰好像欲念那样、没有掣肘好像憎恨那样、没有樊笼好像妄想那样、没有河流好像奢望那样。
  The fault of others is easily seen; but one`s own is hard to see. Like chaff one winnows other`s faults; but one`s own one conceals as a crafty fowler disguises himself.
  252. 别人的错失很容易就看见,但自己的却很难;就好像抛除谷糠那样扬起别人的错失、却像设陷阱的猎人那样隐藏自己的错失。
  He who has transcended both merit(good)and demerit(evil), he who leads a pure life, he who lives with understanding in this world, he, indeed, is called a bhikkhu.
  267. 谁能够超越善恶、过著纯朴的生活、而又明白这个世间就是实至名归的比丘。
  Not by silence does one become a sage(muni)if one be foolish and untaught. But the wise man who, as if holding a pair of scales, takes what is good and leaves out what is evil, is indeed a sage. For that reason he is a sage. He who understands both sides in this world is called a sage
  268/269. 如果愚昧又没有教养的人,不能只靠沉默就可以达致圣哲(牟尼muni)的境界。聪明的人好像拿著把秤那样,留下好的、舍弃坏的、就是实至名归的圣哲。他可以成为圣哲就是因为他明白世事的两面。
  Of paths the Eightfold Path is the best; of truths the Four Words(Noble Truths);
  Detachment is the best of states and of bipeds the Seeing One(the Man of Vision).
  273. 所有道路中,八正道是最好的;所有真理中,四圣谛(苦、集、灭、道)是最好的;
  This is the only Way. There is no other for the purification of Vision. Follow this Way: this is the bewilderment of Mara(Evil).
  274. 这是唯一的道路:再没有其他方法可以清净见地;只要依随这条道路,就会使到魔罗(Mara)【邪恶的神】感到烦恼。
  Following this Way you shall make an end of suffering. This verily is the Way declared by me when I had learnt to remove the arrow(of suffering).
  275. 依随这条道路,苦难就会终结;即是说:这条道路是我在学会了拔除(苦难的)箭时
  You yourselves should make the effort; the Awakened Ones are only teachers. Those who enter this Path and who are meditative, are delivered from the bonds of Mara(Evil).
  276. 你们要加把劲:觉者只是导师;谁进入这条道路、又能思考、谁就脱离魔罗的枷锁。
  ‘All conditioned things are impermanent’.,when one sees this in wisdom, then one becomes dispassionate towards the painful. This is the Path to Purity.
  277. “所有事物既是因缘际会而成,都不是永恒的”;谁能够明白此中道理,就可以冷静地
  ‘All conditioned things are dukkba(Ill)’, when one sees this in wisdom, then he becomes dispassionate towards the painful. This is the Path to Purity.
  278. “所有事物既是因缘际会而成,都是苦”;谁能够明白此中道理,就可以冷静地处理苦痛;这就是引领到清净的道路。
  ‘All states(dbamma)are without self’, when one sees this in wisdom, then he becomes dispassionate towards the painful. This is the Path to Purity.
  279. “所有境界(dbamma)都没有自我”;谁能够明白此中道理,就可以冷静地处理苦痛;这就是引领到清净的道路。
  Who strives not when he should strive, who, though young and strong, is given to idleness, who is loose in his purpose and thoughts, and who is lazy----that idler never finds the way to wisdom.
  280. 应该奋斗的时候,却没有奋斗;虽然又年青又强壮,也终会陷于怠惰;加上既优柔寡断又懒散--这样的懒人永远找不到智慧的道路。
  Watchful of speech, well restrained in mind, let him do no evil with the body; let him
  purify these three ways of action, and attain the Path made known by the Sages.
  281. 说话小心、思想克制、行为不涉邪恶:清净这三类行动就可以到达圣哲所宣扬的道路。
  The craving of the man addicted to careless living grows like a Maluva creeper. He jumps hither and thither, like a monkey in the forest looking for fruit.
  334. 沉溺于放纵生活的就好像玛路华地方的蔓藤萝,跳到这里、跳到那里;活像猴子在森林内找寻野果。
  Whosoever in this world is overcome by this wretched clinging thirst, his sorrows grow like Birana grass after rain.
  335. 如果掣肘于鬼魅似的渴求时,苦难就好像雨后的毗罗那草般萌生。
  But whosoever in this world overcomes this wretched craving so difficult to overcome, his sorrows fall away from him like water-drops from a lotus(leaf).
  336. 但是,能够抗拒这些很难抗拒的鬼魅渴求时,苦难就好像雨点从莲花上卸下来。
  As a tree cut down sprouts forth again if its roots remain uninjured and strong, even so when the propensity to craving is not destroyed, this suffering arises again and again.
  338. 尽管树干被砍倒,只要根部健壮、未受伤害,这棵树仍会萌芽;所以,渴求的偏好如果未被消灭,苦难仍会再生。
  Led by craving men run this way and that like an ensnared hare. Therefore let the bhikkhu, who wishes his detachment, discard craving.
  343. 如果被渴求牵制,就会像受惊的兔子四处乱跑;所以,比丘既祈望离弃,都会舍去渴求。
  Free thyself from the past, free thyself from the future, free thyself from the present. Crossing to the farther shore of existence, with mind released everywhere, no more shalt thou come to birth and decay.
  348. 请你摆脱以前的羁绊、未来的羁绊、现在的羁绊。那么在任何地方,你的思想都会松弛、不再生死、达致生存的彼岸。
  Good is restraint of the eye. Good is restraint of the ear. Goof is restraint of the nose. Good is restraint of the tongue.
  360. 能够克制眼睛是好事、能够克制耳朵是好事、能够克制鼻子是好事、能够克制舌头是好事。
  Good is restraint of the body. Good is restraint of speech. Good is restraint of the mind. Restraint everywhere is good. The bhikkhu restrained in every way is freed from all suffering.
  361. 能够克制身体是好事、能够克制语言是好事、能够克制思想是好事、能够到处克制自己是好事。能够随时随地克制自己的比丘已经摆脱所有苦难。
  He who is controlled in hand, controlled in foot, controlled in speech, and possessing the highest control(of mind), delighted within, composed, solitary and contented, him they call a bhikkhu.
  362. 控制手、脚、说话,又拥有(思想)上最高的控制能力,心灵欣慰、镇静、独立、满足;谁人能够做到这些,别人便叫他比丘。
  One should not despise what one receives, and one should not envy(the gain of)others. The bhikkhu who envies others does not attain concentration.
  365. 不要轻视你得到的,也不要妒忌别人获得的。那位比丘仍妒忌别人,就未能达到专注
  He who has no attachment whatsoever to Name and Form(mind and body),and he who does not grieve over what there is not, he indeed is called a bhikkhu.
  367. 谁不介意名份和仪容(思想和身体),又不会因没有名份和仪容而伤心;是实至名归的比丘。
  The bhikkhu, who abides in loving-kindness, who is delighted in the Teaching of the Buddha, attains the State of Calm, the happiness of stilling the conditioned things.
  He for whom there exists neither this shore nor the other, nor both, he who is undistressed and unbound, him I call a Brahman.
  385. 谁觉得既无此岸、亦无彼岸,那么他是无苦恼和掣肘的;我会叫他做婆罗门。
  The sun glows by day; the moon shines by night; in his armour the warrior glows. In meditation shines the brahman. But all day and night, shines with radiance the Awakened One.
  378. 太阳在日间照射,月亮在晚间照耀,武士在盔甲内耀武扬威;婆罗门在冥想中照耀;但觉者不论日夜都散发光芒。
  He whose destiny neither the gods nor demigods nor men do know, he who has destroyed defilements and become worthy, him I call a Brahman.
  420. 他的命运不是神祇、也不是半神、更不是人所能知悉的;但他已消除垢秽,变得受人敬重;我会叫他做婆罗门。
  He who knows former lives, who sees heaven and hell, who has reached the end of births and attained to super-knowledge, the sage, accomplished with all accomplishments, him I call a Brahman.
  423. 他知悉前生、看见天界和地府、达致再生的尽头、得到至高的识见、这圣哲既获得所有的成就;我会叫他做婆罗门。


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