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  • Bodhi Cultivation

    Buddhist Temple Association(中华佛寺协会), Chinese Buddhism Association(中华佛教护僧协会) and Buddhist Sangha Health Care Foundation(佛教僧伽医护基金会) have the same objective serving and helping the sangha. The main ...

    Shih Weijing


  • “以戒为师”之意旨

    asked him whom the sangha should rely on in the future, and the Buddha replied ... it was impossible that the sangha which was founded based on the realization of ...



  • 谈佛法的宗教经验

    thinking about ways to invigorate it, and Sangha members and laypeople living overseas hope ...of the sangha because as far as the spread of Buddhism is concerned, being unite d means ...



  • 缅甸仰光汉传佛教团体之发展与困境

    acted and functioned as Mission Church and Educational center for Sangha (Community of Monks and ...Buddhist Sangha (Community of Monks and Nuns) Association in 1958, and then invited monks from both ...



  • Toward a Buddhist social ethics:

    Third World point of view.Buddhist monks in Thailand are part of a unified hierarchical sangha(...teachingsof the Buddha, but the Thai sangha hierarchy has said virtually nothingabout this issue. ...

    Tavivat, Puntarigvivat


  • Two Paradigms of Humanistic Buddhist Movements

    authority of the Sangha in general. In these ways they are expressing ideas that can be said to have ...Protestant Buddhism" (1988). Clearly this emphasis has continued. Although the Sangha presides over ...

    George D. Bond


  • 世尊的遗言

    confirmed confidence in the Sangha (bhagavato savakasangho) thus: "The Sangha (bhagavato savakasangho) of ...individuals -- this Sangha of the Blessed One's disciples is worthy of gifts, worthy of hospitality, worthy of...



  • Buddhism in Chinese Society: An Economic History from the Fifth to the Tenth Centuries

    Buddhist teaching concerning economic activities of the sangha as the theoretical ...

    Jacques Gernet


  • Buddhism Transformed: Religious Change in Sri Lanka

    " "The Sangha's Discipline," "The Accommodation Between Buddhism and Society in Ancient ...in the Pali scriptures and promulgated by the monks of the Sangha. Gombrich...

    Edmund Perry


  • Nirvana and other Buddhist Felicities

    including the sangha). The second promulgated an absolutist ethics of context-independent values that ...

    Steven Collins

