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  • What in Brief is Buddhism?

    in un-safe situations to exemplify a teaching conundrum; he founded a devoted sangha of monks and ...

    Ananda W. P. Guruge


  • 大圆满法门传承

      大圆满法门传承   大圆满传承,由法身佛普贤王如来,到报身佛金刚萨陀、五方佛等,有人间和天界传承。人间初祖是胜喜金刚(Garab Dorje),后传给妙吉祥友(Manjushrimitra), 吉祥狮子 (诗列僧哈, Sri Sangha)、无垢友(Vimalamitra),莲华生大士,耶喜措嘉空行等。此外尚有天界的传承。 人间初祖圣喜金刚留下的大圆满六百四十万偈,二祖妙吉祥友祖师抉择...



  • 南传佛教巴利语—英语—汉语自修仪规简式

    Sangha as my refuge. 布当 沙拉囊 噶查米 达芒 沙拉囊 噶查米 桑刚 沙拉囊 噶查米 我,至诚皈依佛陀 我,至诚皈依佛法 我,至诚皈依僧伽 ... my refuge. For the second time,I go to the Sangha as my refuge. 都地洋必 布当 沙拉囊 噶查米 都地洋必 达芒 沙拉囊 噶...



  • A Common Buddhist Chanting in English

    the guidance, assistance and support of the Senior Buddhist Sangha, Buddhist leaders and scholars of...refuge in the Dhamma. I take refuge in the Sangha. (Repeat all 3 times) (Offering Chant) ...

    Henry DANG, J.P


  • Charming Cadavers: Horrific Figurations of the Feminine in

    sangha (order of monks) after much pleading. And when they were finally admitted it was under one ...at crucial moments in the hagiographies of leading members of the sangha, the redactors of post-A`...

    Wilson, Liz


  • Place of Faith in Buddhism

    develop saddha and panna. By saddha was meant cultivation of faith in Buddha, Dhamma and Sangha ,... faith in Buddha, Dhamma and Sangha, and then he should perfect himself in the five silas (...



  • 结戒原委与制戒原理

    Shih Chao-hui In the early days of Buddhism, the sangha was of high, pure ...offerings made by lay sponsors, however, worldly minded people inevitably crept into sangha ...



  • Is Zen Buddhism?

    early Buddhist sangha enables us to develop this contrast further: The Sangha was organized to be a... Buddha Sangha has become corrupt and degenerate... The Sangha's often slavish subservience to, and ...

    David R. Loy


  • A Thai Buddhism A conversation with Sulak Sivaraksa

    course, there is muchtraditional Buddhist emphasis on sangha [community] and ethics, but theassumption... the sangha, thecommunity, as a kind of alternative society within the larger society thatwould ...



  • Thai Buddhist accounts of male homosexuality

    began as an order of celibate male renunciates, the sangha, and that the Vinaya is ... (parajika) and automatic expulsion from the sangha. To quote an often ...

    Peter Anthony Jackson

