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  • 《佛子行三十七颂》讲记2

    《佛子行三十七颂》讲记2       达真堪布        本课音频在线播放及下载地址:  http://www.dymf.cn/Article/down/music/kaishi/2009-11-30/3217_2.html       为修持成佛要发殊胜菩提心!   为度化一切父母众生要发誓修持成佛!   为早日圆成佛道要精进认真闻思修行!   ...



  • 论佛教传播史晚期的音乐本土化──傣族和日本佛教音乐的比较

    Music(日本音乐史),( Oxford University Press, London: 1973 )p.38   楼宇烈、张志刚,《中外宗教交流史》(长沙:湖南教育出版社,一九九八年)第一○四页。...五七六页。   19.张大柘,《当代神道教》(北京:东方出版社,一九九九年)。   20.Eta Harich-Schneider, A History of Japanese Music(《日本...



  • A Buddhist Critique to the Classical Chinese Tradition

    The rites have been regarded as superior for governing the people and the music as superior for ...determined by Heaven, then man can do nothing about it. In that case, rite and music are irrelevant to...

    Jan Yun-Hua


  • Dialogues with Death: The Last Days of Socrates and the Buddha

    repeated dream vision (which demands "Make music, and practice!") that Socrates composes his only ...command to practice his own brand of "music," that is, philosophy, but now he takes it more literally, ...

    Matthew Dillon


  • Hu Shih and Chinese Philosophy

    the Six Arts of ceremonies, music, archery, charioteering, writing (or history), and mathematics. He... to bring them peace. Hence, they were teachers and experts on ceremony and music. [43] None of...

    Wing-Tsit Chan


  • Intimacy: A general orientation in Japanese religious values

    music, but, rather, the music is playing itself through you. ...

    Thomas P. Kasulis


  • Preparing For Something That Never Happens

    26, No. 4 disenchanted the world. The implication is that our aesthetic sensitivity to music, ...social forces. By developing an acute sensitivity to art, music, literature, etc., we may have acceded to...

    David R. Loy


  • The religious import of Confucian philosophy

    and music were the two important means Confucius relied upon to educate people; yet he said, "If a man is not jend, what has he to do with ceremonies? If he is not jên [d], what has he to do with music?...

    Liu, Sbu-bsien


  • A Study of Tao Yuan-ming’s Nature Poetry

    nature, not as in the hourOf thoughtless youth; but hearing often timesThe still, sad music of humanity,...I am engaged only in leisure:I amuse myself with books and music, free to rise or to rest. My ...

    Angela Jung Palandri


  • 本性法师:禅与坐禅的方法之一

    /fjdh-vl/179/ 佛教音乐台 佛教音乐大全 http://vod.fjdh.com/music/ 佛教电影大全 http://vod.fjdh.com/fjdh-va/ -------...


