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  • Spirits in a Material World

    with this lacking that we sense within ourselves. "Sometimes we do it consciously; but more often than not, we do it unconsciously. We try to ground ourselves in unconscious ways. And one of those very ...

    Pravit Rojanaphruk


  • 印度赖加德地区发现七座两千年佛教石窟(图)

    resemblance to the group of caves at Junnar. The new caves do not have any type of ornamental effects. Nor do they have any inscriptions. The chaitya griha-type cave shows that the work had just ...



  • 英国苏格兰15名僧人在阿蓝岛闭关静修四年 近日出关

    really wanted to do that then the place to go would be into retreat. "Ordinary life is too busy, you don...retreat: "Just to keep that together for four years is quite a hard thing to do. "So there is a sense...



  • 澳大利亚宗教信仰将发生巨大变化 佛教信众大幅增加

    number of people who do not believe in a religion increasing by more than 50 per cent to 5.5 million. ... This is due to more people saying they do not believe in a religion, Mr Bulter said. "There's an ...



  • 韩国曹溪宗长达三个月的夏季闭关禅修圆满结束

    season, which is spent in a relaxed and joyous manner. They do not lose the practicing spirit, but the arduous and focused practice is loosened. They may do pilgrimages and other lighter practices. ...



  • 净慧法师说生活禅(英文):Master Jing Hui Presents Sheng Huo Chan

    , are so self-absorbed that we do not realize our inherent potential to experience Chan. This is ...You Yuan, who was a Vinaya master, asked master Hui Hai: "Do you make efforts in cultivating the way?...



  • Soka Gakkai in America: Accommodation and Conversion

    strategies more acceptable to American culture. They do not, however, follow up this observation with ...answer, in their words, "certain theoretical questions: (1) How do religions respond to a new social ...

    Phillip Hammond and David Mach


  • Zen and the Art of Teamwork

    Michael Jordan team players. What does Zen have to do with managing? Whether on the court or off, ...thananything else. How do you achieve that state of mind? I've tried a lot of things to draw the players...

    Lieber, Ron; Rao, Rajiv M.


  • 弘一大师格言别录英译

    view and treat others tenderly. When there is nothing to do, stay with clear mind; when there is ...do a share of concession, one gains a share of benefit.  One increases enjoying one share of fruition...



  • A Qigong Interpretation of Confucianism

    rarely do we hear about Confucian qigong, at least not in a literal sense. However, according to Yan ...performances, as part of the general practice of Confucianism, do bring magical powers. But it stresses the ...

    Peimin Ni

