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  • 常用佛教名词英译

    流轉於輪迴,並承受輪迴之苦。 僧、僧伽 Sangha (藏文 gendun):法道上的伴侶。或泛指法道上的一切行者,或特指已開悟的聖僧。 六波羅蜜 (Six): 布施、持戒、忍辱、精進、禪定及...煩惱障) 而流轉於輪迴,並承受輪迴之苦。 僧或僧伽 Sangha(藏文gen dun):修行道上的伴侶。僧眾可能是法道上的一切修行者,或是已開悟的出家眾。 經典 Satra(藏文do):記錄佛陀...



  • 出世与入世的生命实践─佛光山僧众的生命经验

    of the Buddha and the first Sangha, together with Chinese Zen Practice and the respective monastic ...4 of this thesis, we analyzed how the spirit of the Buddha and ideals of the sangha affect the ...



  • 佛光菜根谭之生活

    the Dharma and the Sangha out of right understanding of Buddhism. The third-rate devotees ...corrupt, but slander the Sangha and the Dharma. 一等主管:关怀员工,尊重专业 二等主管:信任授权,人性管理 三等主管:官僚作风,气势凌人 劣等主管:...



  • 佛光菜根谭之自在

    the ambrosial water and set up a waterworks in yourselves. Taking refuge in the Sangha,nurture the ...Dharma nature. Where the Sangha's blessing is,there is the pureland of fortune and virtue. 时间刹那,贯穿...



  • 论如来藏之空性义

    arranged by the  following order: 1. Buddha, 2. Dharma, 3. Sangha,  4. `Dhatu`, 5. Bodhi, 6. `Guna`...three jewels (of the  Buddha, Dharma and Sangha) as "result" are  manifested. As kiyota says that the...



  • Asoka and the Buddha-Relics

    frequent reference to the man who breaks up the Order, the schismatic, the sangha-... an addition--side by side with the sangha-bhedako is mentioned the stupa-...

    T.W. Rhys Davids


  • Buddhist approaches to abortion

    Abortion In Honolulu I attended and eventually joined the Diamond Sangha, a Zengroup led by an ...compassionately rather than judgementally. For those who so desire, the Diamond Sangha marks these deaths ...

    R. E. Florida


  • Buddhist functionalism--instrumentality reaffirmed

    monastic sangha, we could note the practical trainingresult of lowering egotistic attachment, though doing ... bodilydecomposition, etc, the 10 sati ('recollections') on themes like theBuddha, dharma, sangha, ...

    David, Scott


  • Contemporary Buddhist philosophy: A biographical essay

    ofteacher and sangha, the individual member has a chance for personalrealization through Zen practice...shunned death and funerals as polluting. The Diamond Sangha, a Zen meditation group in Hawaii, have ...

    Frank J. Hoffman


  • Dialogues with Death: The Last Days of Socrates and the Buddha

    follow the order suggested by the "Three Jewels" of Buddhism (Buddha, Dhamma, Sangha) -- the Master, ...Buddha, the Dhamma, the Sangha, or about the path or the practice. Ask, monks! Do not afterwards feel ...

    Matthew Dillon

