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  • The Spiritual Origins of the West: A Lack Perspective

    power to rule. This implied a legal order but not a legal system: "Law was not consciously ...vendettas. This solution did not need much of a state administrative system to regulate justice -- which ...

    David Loy


  • The use of paradox in uroboric philosophies

    philosophical system. One way to avoid this problem is to employ some sort of theory of types and treat one's ...propositions and those that he was concerned to examine, would be to erect another kind of system or theory ...

    John Visvader


  • Valentinian Gnosticism and Classical Saa.mkhya

    provide the means themselves which lead to liberation as defined within its particular system. ...involves whether Valentinianism should be regarded as a dualistic system; and if so, precisely what ...

    Stephen A. Kent


  • The Moral Systems of Confucianiam And Buddhism

    ethical system to tackle most, if not all, human and secular problelms they encounter in ...this paper I will show how theethico-religious system of Won Buddhism has attempted ...

    Bongkil Chung


  • More on the Unrepeatability of Gunas

    there are no vi`se.sas at all. The historical development of the system, culminating in Raghunaatha's ...rules accepted by the system of which I make use there. (3) Datta's third point, that "gu.na" is ...

    Potter, Karl H.


  • 法身寺的教育系统

    西班牙文、法文和日文也会在将来提供。目前我们已有了1,800位注册的学生。  THE EDUCATIONAL SYSTEM AT WAT PHRA DHAMMAKAYA  Temple Profile...



  • Cross-cousin Relation Between Buddha and Devadatta.

    Devadatta to the cross-cousin system shown in an article entitled 'Buddha and Devadatta' (ante....religious ceremonial "), expressive of the liberty of the cross-cousin system, ...

    Mitra, Kalipada.


  • Prisoners of Shangri-La: Tibetan Buddhism and the West

    foreign belief system to bolster their own. He makes this point with great finesse ...

    Donald S Lopez,


  • Zen in the art of troubleshooting.

    send a two-screen record to our local system. Sometimes a record would hang up after ... In half an hour we had isolated the problem and fixed it. The system had ...

    Terry Ballard


  • 佛教的坐禅修炼

    language system),所以在与欧洲的日尔曼语混合之后形成了英文中的“牛轭”(voke),意为“管束”或“协调”。其实,在佛教兴起之前的婆罗门教中,就盛行“瑜伽”的修炼方式,它强调以一种系统、...


