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  • How Many Sūtra Passages Are Indicated……

    well run counter to modern trends in hermeneutics, but its centrality to the Buddhist interpretation...because emptiness has reasoned proofs that establish it by way of logical correctness. Even if modern ...

    William Magee, Ph.D.


  • Śaṅkara and Dogen on the Paradox of Practice

    Ch'an patriarch or the modern Advaitin Ramana Maharshi. Liberation for them seems to have occurred ...

    Loy, David


  • The Philosophy and Psychology of the Oriental Mandala

    meaninglessness.[1] Existentialism in philosophy--modern art, literature, and science--show man ...of reintegration, the "ma.n.dala within the yogin's body." 9. Carl Gustav Jung, Modern Man in ...

    Grace E. Cairns


  • The Practice of Zen

    the book, are by modern roshis and are for laymen, not Zen students. The book is in this respect ...

    Paul Wienpahl


  • The Predicament of Man in Zen Buddhism and Kierkegaard

    of the individual was the essential theme of modern Christianity, a theme which k has largely ...expected to accept as the nature of the God-relationship becomes more important to modern research. ...

    Jacobson, Nolan Pliny


  • The Problem of Knowledge and the Four Schools

    vijnana is a series of continuous consciousness. It is, to use the modern psychological ...



  • The putative fascism of the Kyoto School and the political

    while interest in modern Japanese thought has remained high in the field of religion (where ...Nishitani should find congenial Hitler's tirade against the decadence of modern Europe ...

    Graham Parkes


  • Language and Logic in the Lotus Sutra

    modern readers have occasionally wondered if it is not mostly froth, with really no substantial or ...-hsun and Wawrytko, Sandra A. eds. Buddhist Ethics and Modern Society: An International ...

    Sandra A. Wawrytko


  • The Rejection of Humor in Western Thought

    Objection. Before considering the modern objection that amusement is irrational, we might take a ...

    John Morreall


  • The relationship between nirvaana and samsaara

    modern formulation of this position is that by, or at least under the influence of, T. W. Rhys ...

    George Rupp

