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  • Self-Awakening and Faith-Zen and Christianity

    ·期刊原文Self-Awakening and Faith-Zen and Christianity By MASAO ABE Christianity through non-...prolific expositor of Zen Buddhism to the West since the death of D. T. Suzuki, was professor of ...



  • The foundations of ecology in Zen Buddhism

    ·期刊原文The foundations of ecology in Zen Buddhism by Ven. Sunyana Graef Religious Education Vol. ...------------------------------------------------------ Vermont Zen Center Shelburne, VT 05482 If ...

    Ven. Sunyana Graef


  • 法鼓佛教学院举办ZEN(禅)与科技教育研讨会

    惠敏法师致辞会议现场出席大会的嘉宾 2009年12月19日,法鼓佛教学院举办“ZEN(禅)与科技教育” 研讨会,邀请岛内医学、宗教、资讯科技及文化艺术等各领域专家发表了关于科技与禅修...行为特征。会中陆续出现多种特殊侦测仪器,引起在座300多位听众广泛讨论。 此外,为缓解生活困顿者的烦闷与压力,杜正民教授提出“ZEN心灵空间营”的概念,希望以资讯科技结合心灵疗护的方式,为他们提供...



  • Paradox and Enlightenment in Zen Dialogue

    ·期刊原文PARADOX AND ENLIGHTENMENT IN ZEN DIALOGUEAND PHENOMENOLOGICAL DESCRIPTIONBy Philip J. ...of language in Zen dialogues and suggested a means for understanding this paradoxical quality. The "...

    Philip J. Bossert


  • Comments on the Paradoxicality of Zen Koans

    ·期刊原文 Comments on the Paradoxicality of Zen Koans By Michael E. Levin The Journal of Chinese ...koan dialogic exchanges of Zen Buddhism is laudatory. He claims in particular that koans are paradoxes...

    Michael E. Levin


  • Dream Conversations on Buddhism and Zen

    national Zen teacher" (Kokushi), Musoo Soseki (1275-1351) by Ashikaga Tadayoshi (1306-1352), the ...Musoo was a pupil of the very famous Chinese immigrant, Zen priest and Teacher, Yishan Yining (1247-...

    Muso Kokushi


  • A Zen Poet of Medieval Japan

    ·期刊原文 Ikkyuu and the Crazy Cloud Anthology: A Zen Poet of Medieval Japan Translation with an ...portal back to life in fifteenth-century Japan and into thelife of this most complex of Zen masters...

    James W. Heisig


  • Zen and the Art of Teamwork

    ·期刊原文 Zen and the Art of Teamwork Lieber, Ron; Rao, Rajiv M.FortuneVol.132 No.13 1995.12....uses a philosophy based in part on Zen Buddhism to get the most out of his people. He ...

    Lieber, Ron; Rao, Rajiv M.


  • Zen in the art of troubleshooting.

    ·期刊原文 Zen in the art of troubleshooting. (systems library techniques)by Terry BallardAmerican ... to the proper state of mind is crucial. According to Zen masters, such things cannot be...

    Terry Ballard


  • Zen And Taoism Common And Uncommon Grounds

    ·期刊原文 Zen And Taoism Common And Uncommon Grounds of DiscourseKenneth Inada Journal of Chinese ...single essay. Ishould therefore like to present in basic outline a frameworkin which Zen and Taoism can ...

    Kenneth Inada

