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  • 九十二波逸提法(Pacittiya )

    training rule until I have put questions about it to another bhikkhu, experienced and learned in the discipline," it is to be confessed. Bhikkhus, (a training rule) is to be understood, is to be asked ...



  • 怀念锡兰三比丘

    去世。般若西哈比丘,据「法音」内载现主持金刚寺所办的一所「比丘训练中心」 Bhikhu Training Centre, 实际上是一所佛学院。照片内余三位法师则现况不明。  我记得素默比丘在邻近西湖...

    无 虚


  • Causality in the Nyaaya-Vai`se.sika school

    going through the usual tribal training period, a particular craft. This craft is unique to this ...that each such adult member, after his training period and before producing the craft, has gotten up ...

    Francis Cook


  • Investigations of the Self

    and self-aware experience of this self is not easily obtainable. Perhaps special training is ... can be obtained only as a result of special training and discipline. This leads to a view expressed...

    Joel J. Kupperman


  • On Zen (Chan) Language and Zen Paradoxes

    intellectual understanding. One is thereby tempted to ask: Why is there a gap between theoretical training and...condition this creative use of language with strict training in self-control and understanding so that ...

    Chung-Ying Cheng


  • Religion and Society in Tang and Sung China

    patriarchs was a major and important part of the training of laymen and Ch'an monks alike. Through a...

    Patricia Buckley Ebrey and Pet


  • The Doctrine of Awakening

    mystical traditions have often insisted on rigorous moral and doctrinal training before ...

    Julius Evola


  • Zen And Taoism Common And Uncommon Grounds

    Zen history unmistakably records the understanding ofthese concepts in training and nourishment. ...as it may, it behooves thedevotee to learn and understand what is in store for him inthe training...

    Kenneth Inada


  • Buddhism and Charity

    oneself. One takes care of oneself by moral training, moral culture and moral development. One takes care ...development of every individual. The development of training is to make oneself progress and ennobled ...



  • Jesus and Buddha as Stories?

    Mahayana Buddhism the bodhisattva is a Buddha-to-be or a Buddha-in-training whose training involves ...

    J. J. Clarke

