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  • Mogao Grottoes in Dunhuang

    completed in 1386, these grottoes bear evidence of a thousand years of history. There are 492 grottoes ...vivid records of China's Buddhist history, art history and social life. The Mogao Grottoes in ...




    Tried drugs, but couldn't make Immortal;Read books and wrote poems on history.Today I'm back at Cold ...

    han shan


  • Literary supplement: The Dalai Lama lights a candle

    Aquarian/HarperCollins. xvi + 416pp. 12.99 pounds (paperback). 1-85538-343-8.A recent history of ...immense scale and the impact it hashad on the culture, history and politics of a whole swathe of ...

    Chris Arthur


  • The Historical Structure of the Eternal

    Buddha in history. The Absolute is not only the static ground into which the development of the relative... in itself and simultaneously spreading itself outwardly. Nichiren's view of history suggests ...

    Makoto Ozaki


  • Remembering Dr. Hajime Nakamura

    all to mention The History of Early Vedānta Philosophy (Iwanami Shoten, 1943-- 1956), an epoch-...published as, A History of Early Vedānta Philosophy, translated by Trevor Leggett, Sengaku Mayeda, ...

    Sengaku Mayeda


  • The Encounter of Buddhism and Western Culture

    --- A recent history of Buddhism declares that it has touched more human ...its immense scale and the impact it has had on the culture, history and politics of a ...

    Chris Arthur


  • Chan Historiography and Chan Philosophy

    required. What is presupposed is a quest of understanding into the history of the Chan tradition as a...mainstream of the Chan movement after Fifth Patriarch Hongren.[h] History provides an illustration of ...

    Chung-Ying Cheng


  • Buddhist Saints in India: A Study in Buddhist Values and Orientations

    Trainor History of Religions Vol.37 No.1 (August 1997), pp.96-98 COPYRIGHT 1997 University of ...Buddhist tradition. He describes himself as working out of the history of religions and ...

    Kevin Trainor


  • Monastic Training System of the Jogye Or

    and health history. After closely observing the attitude and behavior of the postulants to determine ... added to the curriculum. In order to see Buddhism from a historical perspective--History of ...

    Ven. Pupchin


  • 两晋南北朝与唐代比丘尼僧团比较研究

    history of Chinese Bhkuni Sangha .In Buddha Age there were many problems when women joined the Sangha ,so Buddhism reformed and expanded,women’joining enriched Buddhism. The study of history of China Bhkuni...


