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  • The problem of the historical Nagarjuna revisited

    41) According to Demieville, this text, which was translated into Chinese by the fourth ... the Drarma. Tucci thought that this "Naga" could not refer to Nagarjuna.(45) ...

    Ian Mabbett


  • Primitive Buddhist Texts

    formed the "doctrine of consciousness only' (vijnapti-matrata). [41] Following their ...cannot see it. [45] It is the Buddha Nature or Nirvana, "Nirvana being without self and ...

    Davids. T. W. Rhys


  • A critical look at the Chinese martial arts

    martial arts, as "drawing inch'i like a bear climbing a tree--like a bird's cry." [41] In the pre-...internal alchemy" or "breath yogas." [45] Thischange explains the relative absence of references to ...

    Charles Holcombe


  • Transmetaphysical thinking in Heidegger and Zen Buddhism

    [41] This is the mystery [das Geheimnis] of Being -- that it conceals itself within itself, hiding ...authentic but most proper to the essence of truth." [45] Man, therefore, because of an ontological ...

    John Steffney


  • Understanding Naagaarjunas Catuskoti

    these alternatives are mutually exclusive and together exhaustive.[41] p. 221 III It ... followed by Naagaarjuna's reply to it. [45] The final two chapters -- that is, chapters XXVI and ...

    R. D. Gunaratne


  • Whitehead, Maadhyamika, and the Prajnaapaaramitaa

    of talk, not transacted, not talked about." [41] The skill-in-means (upaaya-kau`salya) of the ...here is neither found nor apprehended. [45] The actual reference of the word "perfection-of-insight"...

    Robert F. Olson


  • Wittgenstein and Naagaarjunas paradox

    Wittgenstein in two articles. [41] In the first he says that Naagaarjuna's criticism of the idea of ...[45] The Svaatantrikas, on the other hand, wanted to stress the validity of the lower truth. Yet ...

    Tyson Anderson


  • 以憨山为例探究晚明佛教之“复兴”内涵

    风水道路、选僧受戒、立义学作养沙弥、设库司清规、查租课、赎僧产、归侵占,一岁之间百废待举。」[41]至于其详情,可参阅多人研究。[42]此外,憨山自述为甚么要着《华严经纲要》,说道: 「每念华严一宗将...恨不能遍身毛孔,一一如空,流出利生四事耳。」[45]对此惨况,憨山恨不得自己能千百化身,从一一毛孔中,流出利于众生的四件事。  有此心境,憨山把这一切化成文字,写下《从军诗》,于序言里述道: 「以弘法...



  • 江灿腾:晚明《物不迁论》的诤辩研究(1)

    牛马不异,「十方诸佛、六道众生」  ,由此「实相」依正因果,亦皆不异。镇澄说:「斯言不异者,非相  似不异也。以『实相』天真体无二,故云不异也。」(注41)  丙、佛教广说「无常」教义,是为破外道异法...43) ,他也是晚明佛教僧侣中的著述家之一  (注44) ,有关晚明的佛教问题,大多曾反映于他的众多著作里(注45)  。〈物不迁〉的论战,自无例外。  不过,祩宏的意见可分前后期,此处讨论的,是前期...



  • 王政与佛法——北朝至隋代帝王统治与弥勒信仰

    44 同(41),页120。  注45 鸠摩罗什译《佛说弥勒下生成佛经》,《大正藏》册14,  页424-a。  注46 参见佐藤智水,《史学杂志》,卷86,第10期,  页18-20。  注47...。 而转轮王则是供应弥勒适当的说法环境  ,作的是「生身供养」的护法(注41)。 二者的结合,才能达成护法  的工作。 属于涅盘系经典的各部《弥勒下生经》,所强调的便是此「  护法」的观念(注42)。...


