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  • 宗萨仁波切北大开示(英文版)

    , if you are poor now, because of impermanence, you can get rich in the future. It is not a ...can’t say “you will die finally” or “you will fight with each other some day in the future because you...



  • 谈戒与持戒(2)

    ideals, I am sure also leads to a concern for their future, for their survival, and for the preservation ...withdrawal, Huxley saw a future ethics that would both accept human limitation and strive to correct it. One...



  • An example of Japanese rationalism

    ourselves.(iii) We ought to be frugal and invest our savings in future production. Frugality and ...future production, which will in turn enable us to build future savings.(iv) We ought to regulate our ...

    Takehiro Sueki


  • Avoiding the Void The Lack of Self in Psychotherapy and Buddhism

    fear which still keeps the feared thing at a distance by projecting it into the future, but the more ...that sense of inadequacy somehow. Such a critique shifts our focus from the terror of future ...

    David R. Loy


  • ART. XV. -- Buddhist Gnosticism, the System of Basilides

    the future Kabbala, the Jewish and the Syro-Babylonian religious were the strongest ... Babylonian ideas of the spirit world, of destiny, and the future life. The process was...

    J. Kennedy


  • Buddhist Views of Suicide and Euthanasia

    failing to distinguish periods of unconsciousness with the expectation of future revival (like deep sleep) from periods of unconsciousness with no expectation of future revival (like irreversible coma). ...

    Carl B. Becker


  • Chang Tsais Theory of Mind and Its Metaphysical Basis [*]

    to the present, and the future to the future, and no succeeding idea is attached to its preceding ...future, he will at that very moment be able to make manifest his mind, his nature will be revealed, ...

    Tang Chun-I [1]


  • Dependent Origination -- The Indo-Tibetan Tradition

    Tathaagatas arise or whether sentient beings arise, existed in the past, will exist in the future, ...future life of some person or being: The world is tormented by a covering (chaadana), a quickening (ropa...

    Alex Wayman


  • Ethnicity and the force of faith

    future of the Khmerhomeland and the intense longing many feel for deceased loved ones inCambodia, it ...to the temple as a means of securing one'sspiritual future, and the impossibility of attaining ...

    Nancy J. Smith-Hefner


  • Health Beliefs And Early Detection Among Chinese women

    not need to know about preventive health behaviors right now because future things are for the future; people do not need to worry about them now because we never know what will be ...

    Hoeman SP; Ku YL; Ohl DR

