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  • 佛教女性观源流源流辨析

    between the ancient primitive Indian Buddhism and Chinese Buddhism, especially the modern Buddhism (...



  • 花莲举办青年佛学论坛 为学子建立国际交流平台

    浸信会大学黄平同学发表《慈济香港分会人间佛教的实践》;美国佛罗里大学Daniel Tuzzeo发表《Dharma Drum Mountain: Revitalizing modern Chinese ...



  • 孙全文:禅与代谢派建筑

    Chinese Pavillon Architecture, London, 1973.   Daniel, Michael: Ancient East Asian and Modern Concepts ...criticism. Modern architecture was almost condemned of anti-humanism.   The Metabolism tried to ...



  • Buddhist Saints in India: A Study in Buddhist Values and Orientations

    Reginald Ray has undertaken a formidable task. As he notes, modern European and ...modern Euro-American tradition of scholarship. Early in the history of Buddhism, perhaps...

    Kevin Trainor


  • Buddhist Studies in Honour of Hammalava Saddhatissa

    the leading figures in the modern scholarship of Pali and Buddhism. It is, therefore, nothing but ...volume contains some valuable contributions to the modern scholarship of pall, Buddhism, and related ...

    Gatare Dhammapala. Richard Gom


  • The Haunting Fetus

    made their appearance in modern Taiwan under a number of guises, and his fieldwork and research place...takes up the issue of changing attitudes towards sexuality in modern Taiwan, especially in the urban ...



  • Civilized Shamans: Buddhism in Tibetan Societies

    communities within Tibet -- or in areas outside the modern boundaries of the People's ...modern Tibet remains. In this encyclopaedic book, Samuel draws together the work of ...

    Cathy Cantwell


  • Comment on Samatha, Samaapatti, and Dhyaana in Chan (Zen)

    in the sense of samaapatti. Modern scholars use the word "ch'an," which is a transliteration of the ... in the sense of "samaadhi" or "ch'an." As Luk's book is prepared for modern readers, it has left ...

    Chen, C. M.


  • Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Real Happiness

    implications of wisdom and compassion. This is partly the result of reading modern Western individualism ... enlightenment." According to Thurman, The modern West experienced a rational enlightenment that ...

    Koller, John M.


  • Inquiry into the Origin of Humanity

    a Modern CommentaryBy Peter N. GregoryReviewed by Albert WelterPhilosophy East & WestV. 48 No. ...dominated by the study of Ch'an (Zen), particularly as interpreted through modern Japanese scholarship....

    Peter N. Gregory

