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  • The Lotus Sutra and Tsunesaburo Makiguchi and Josei Toda

    single moment of mind in Moho chihkuan (Great Concentration and Insight). A mind in a single moment ..., and the five components (skandhas) of body and mind, which constitute all beings, sentient or non-...

    He Jingsong


  • Tsung-mi and the Sinification of Buddhism

    an (characterized as a "mind-to-mind transmission" of enlightenment) and the textually ... identified with the "one mind" of perfect enlightenment, the true dharmadhatu, ...

    T. Griffith Foulk


  • Li Chun-Fus theory of Harmonization of the three teachings

    Principle, .. the exposition of the teaching of the mind beyond the confines of language and ... two essays on the mind. The main source of these investi- gations is the third version of the Ming...

    Bartholomew P.M TSUI


  • Nondual Thinking

    said to interfere with thought. When the thought-forming activity of the mind is preoccupied with a ...intuition is "the immediate apprehension of an object by the mind without the intervention of any ...

    David Loy


  • Research on inmates of Tihar Jail, Delhi

    thatis, the prison. Crime, like any other action of the body, is a manifestation of thoughts in the mind...is a genuine non-sectarian methodology for mind control and purification. The question arises what ...

    Dr Amulya Khurana; Prof. P. L.


  • Buddhism and Environmental Protection

    also signifies that we should cleanse impurities of our mind to achieve purity. The instance of ...Buddha's teachings emphasize to make good mentality in order to get peace of mind. The first verse of ...

    Saddhamma Kovida


  • 21st Century World and Humanistic Buddhi

    the advancement has failed to enter deep into human mind to give peace and happiness to them. The challenges modern people facing are to achieve peace and tranquility of mind and true happiness. It...

    Ven. Dr Anoja


  • Chuang-Tzu And The Chinese Ancestry of Chan Buddhism

    free and easy wandering" of the first chapter of the Chuang-Tzu. The mind then can ...attain a state of utmost accordance with life: by emptying his mind and "sitting in ...

    Siu-Chi Huang


  • It is more difficult to crush a flower

    circulates through the body, called praa.na, is "indistinguishabiy united with the mind." [4] We are ....na the mind becomes quiescent, the movement of thought stops, and the world illusion ceases. The ...

    Teschner, George


  • Mu and Its Implications

    is to cast off the body and mind of self and others. -- Dōgen[3] "Jōshu's Mu" is, of ...really nothing left for the conceptualizing mind to grasp onto. The old way of working on this...

    David Loy

