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  • A Common Buddhist Chanting in English

    Rationale Chanting plays an important role in the practice, preservation and continuation ...chanting over time either in Pali or other national languages in harmony with their cultural and ...

    Henry DANG, J.P


  • 佛教音乐古今谈

    Buddhism is called chanting. According to the Biography of Eminent Monastics written by Venerable ...of Dharma words chanting. In China, people recite sutras in Chinese and chant the praises in ...



  • The Riddle of the First Buddhist Council - A Retrospection

    riddled with contradictions, and rejected the episode of chanting of the dharma and vinaya as legend, ... this conclusion for he thinks that the account of the chanting of dharma and vinaya suffers from ...

    Biswadeb Mukherjee


  • 来自全球各地的佛教徒在菩提伽耶祈愿世界和平

    organised to mark the beginning of an 11-day long chanting prayer ceremony at the Mahabodhi temple, ...



  • 美国犹他州盐湖寺举行盂兰盆法会 纪念逝去佛教徒

    , are in English except for the chanting, which is a way to prepare the mind for meditation. Most ...



  • 世界佛教大家庭的共同语言——佛教音乐——兼谈佛教音乐的历史与未来

    religious rituals and ceremonies that took form in history are all centered Sanskrit scriptures chanting, which makes Buddhism truly a musical religion. The sutra chanting tradition formed in ancient India...



  • Soka Gakkai in America: Accommodation and Conversion

    attend a chanting session but were unable to attentively follow along, even when provided with a ...Will Americans, for example, start chanting in English? Will American church members adopt a different...

    Phillip Hammond and David Mach


  • Buddhist Music Comes West

    Sanskrit gathas, some names and terms, and the basic practices of reciting precepts, chanting sutras,... left home and trained as a Novice, when chanting, everybody followed the an earlier generation of ...

    Heng Sure, PhD


  • Buddhism and Music

    to music and dancing in its worship. Even the chanting of the Buddhist sutras should strictly be non... north Indian music and pirith chanting. Eg: rag : thodhi The suthras which belongs to the ...

    Ven.Inamaluwe Sri Su


  • 晚明蕅益智旭之地藏信仰

    function of wisdom. The other example was that he promoted chanting the Buddha’s name approach. His... belief in chanting the dharani, confessional and chanting the Buddha’s name.  ---------------------...


