
Contemplation Sutra


经文翻译:刘宋西域三藏法师畺良耶舍 译


Illustrations from the Taima Mandala

By Hisao Inagaki

The aspirants in the highest level of the highest grade
Nine grades of birth:
1) the highest level of the highest grade

[22] 佛告阿难。及韦提希。凡生西方有九品人。上品上生者。若有众生愿生彼国者。发三种心即便往生。何等为三。一者至诚心。二者深心。三者回向发愿心。具三心者必生彼国。复有三种众生。当得往生。何等为三。一者慈心不杀具诸戒行。二者读诵大乘方等经典。三者修行六念回向发愿生彼佛国。具此功德。一日乃至七日。即得往生。生彼国时。此人精进勇猛故。阿弥陀如来与观世音及大势至无数化佛百千比丘声闻大众无量诸天。七宝宫殿。观世音菩萨执金刚台。与大势至菩萨至行者前。阿弥陀佛放大光明照行者身。与诸菩萨授手迎接。观世音大势至与无数菩萨。赞叹行者劝进其心。行者见已欢喜踊跃。自见其身乘金刚台。随从佛后。如弹指顷往生彼国。生彼国已。见佛色身众相具足。见诸菩萨色相具足。光明宝林演说妙法。闻已即悟无生法忍。经须臾间历事诸佛。遍十方界。于诸佛前次第受记。还至本国。得无量百千陀罗尼门。是名上品上生者。

The Buddha said to Ananda and Vaidehi, "Those born in the Western Land are of nine grades. Those who attain birth on the highest level of the highest grade are sentient beings who resolve to be born in that land, awaken the three kinds of faith and so are born there. What are the three? They are, first, the sincere faith; second, the deep faith; and third, the faith that seeks birth there by transferring one's merit. Those who have these three kinds of faith will certainly be born there.
"There are three other kinds of sentient beings who also attain birth. Who are the three? They are, first, those who have a compassionate heart, abstain from killing and observe the precepts; second, those who chant the Mahayana sutras of greater scope; and third, those who practise the six forms of mindfulness. They aspire to be born in that Buddha-land by transferring there the merit of practice. With the merit acquired from doing these acts for one to seven days, they attain birth.
"When an aspirant is about to be born in that land through dedicated and undaunted practices, the Tathagata Amitayus arrives together with Avalokiteshvara, Mahasthamaprapta, innumerable transformed Buddhas, a great assembly of a hundred thousand monks and shravakas and innumerable devas in seven-jewelled palaces. The Bodhisattva Avalokiteshvara, carrying a vajra-seat, together with the Bodhisattva Mahasthamaprapta, approaches the aspirant. Amitayus releases a great flood of light which illuminates the aspirant's body and, along with the bodhisattvas, extends his hands in welcome. Avalokiteshvara and Mahasthamaprapta, together with innumerable bodhisattvas, praise and encourage the aspirant. Seeing this, the aspirant rejoices so greatly as to dance. Then he sees himself sitting on the vajra-seat, and following the Buddha, is born into that land in the time it takes to snap one's fingers.
"After being born in that land, he sees the Buddha's body complete with all its physical characteristics and also [345a] the bodies of the bodhisattvas equally complete with all their physical characteristics. Hearing the discourse on the wonderful Dharma sent forth by the light and the jewelled trees, he then reaches the insight into the non-arising of all dharmas. In a single moment, he visits and worships all the Buddhas of the ten quarters and receives from each of them the prediction of his future Buddhahood. Returning to the Pure Land, he is endowed with innumerable hundreds of thousands of dharanis. Such a person is called one who attains birth on the highest level of the highest grade.

The aspirants in the middle level of the highest grade
2) the middle level of the highest grade

[23] 上品中生者。不必受持读诵方等经典。善解义趣。于第一义心不惊动。深信因果不谤大乘。以此功德。回向愿求生极乐国。行此行者命欲终时。阿弥陀佛与观世音及大势至。无量大众眷属围绕。持紫金台至行者前赞言。法子。汝行大乘解第一义。是故我今来迎接汝。与千化佛一时授手。行者自见坐紫金台。合掌叉手赞叹诸佛。如一念顷。即生彼国七宝池中。此紫金台如大宝花。经宿即开。行者身作紫磨金色。足下亦有七宝莲华。佛及菩萨俱放光明。照行者身目即开明。因前宿习普闻众声。纯说甚深第一义谛。即下金台礼佛合掌赞叹世尊。经于七日。应时即于阿耨多罗三藐三菩提。得不退转。应时即能飞至十方。历事诸佛。于诸佛所修诸三昧。经一小劫得无生法忍现前受记。是名上品中生者。

"Those who attain birth on the middle level of the highest grade, do not necessarily uphold and chant the sutras of greater scope, but comprehend the teachings of the Buddha so well that when they hear the supreme truths, they are not dismayed. They have deep faith in the law of karmic causes and effects and do not speak slightingly of the Mahayana. They transfer the merit acquired to the Land of Utmost Bliss, aspiring to be born there.
"When such an aspirant is about to die, Amitayus appears before him, surrounded by Avalokiteshvara, Mahasthamaprapta and innumerable sages and attendants, carrying a purple-gold lotus-seat. The Buddha praises him, saying, 'Son of the Dharma, because you have practised the Mahayana and appreciate the supreme truths, I have come to welcome you.' So saying, he and a thousand transformed Buddhas extend their hands all at once towards the aspirant, who, seeing himself sitting on the purple-gold seat, joins his palms and praises the Buddhas. In an instant, he is born in a seven-jewelled pond of that land.
"The purple-gold seat has become like a great jewelled flower, which opens after one night. The body of the aspirant has become the colour of purple-gold, and beneath his feet are seven-jewelled lotus-flowers. The Buddha and bodhisattvas together release a flood of light which illuminates the aspirant's body. His eyes open, and because of the store of merit from his previous life, he hears voices everywhere expounding only the most profound and supreme truths. Descending from his golden seat, he bows with joined palms and praises the Buddha, the World-Honoured One. After seven days, he immediately reaches the Stage of Non-retrogression for realizing the highest, perfect Enlightenment. He is also able to fly in the ten quarters, as he wishes, to revere all the Buddhas and learn various samadhis from them. After the lapse of a smaller kalpa, he attains the insight into the non-arising of all dharmas and receives from each Buddha the prediction of his future Buddhahood. Such a person is called one who attains birth on the middle level of the highest grade.

The aspirants in the lowest level of the highest grade
3) the lowest level of the highest grade

[24] 上品下生者。亦信因果不谤大乘。但发无上道心。以此功德。回向愿求生极乐国。彼行者命欲终时。阿弥陀佛及观世音并大势至。与诸眷属持金莲华。化作五百化佛来迎此人。五百化佛一时授手。赞言。法子。汝今清净发无上道心。我来迎汝。见此事时。即自见身坐金莲花。坐已华合。随世尊后即得往生七宝池中。一日一夜莲花乃开。七日之中乃得见佛。虽见佛身于众相好心不明了。于三七日后乃了了见。闻众音声皆演妙法。游历十方供养诸佛。于诸佛前闻甚深法。经三小劫得百法明门。住欢喜地。是名上品下生者。是名上辈生想。名第十四观。作是观者名为正观。若他观者名为邪观。

"Those who attain birth on the lowest level of the highest grade likewise accept the law of karmic causes and effects, do not speak slightingly of the Mahayana and awaken aspiration for the highest Enlightenment. They transfer the merit acquired to the Land of Utmost Bliss, aspiring to be born there.
"When such an aspirant is about to die, Amitayus, together with Avalokiteshvara, Mahasthamaprapta and a host of attendants, come to welcome him, bringing a golden lotus-flower and manifesting five hundred transformed Buddhas. Those transformed Buddhas extend their hands all at once and praise the aspirant, saying, 'Son of the Dharma, since you have awakened pure aspiration for the highest Enlightenment, we have come to welcome you.'
"When he has viewed all this, the aspirant finds himself seated upon a golden lotus-flower, which then closes. Following the World-Honoured One, he immediately attains birth on a seven-jewelled pond. After a day and night, the lotus-flower [345b] opens and, within seven days, the aspirant beholds the Buddha. Although he sees the Buddha's body, he is still unable to discern his physical characteristics and marks clearly. But after three weeks he sees them distinctly, and also hears all the sounds and voices proclaiming the wonderful Dharma. Then he can travel in all the ten quarters to make offerings to the Buddhas and hear their profound teachings. After three smaller kalpas he acquires clear understanding of the one hundred dharmas and dwells in the Stage of Joy. Such a person is called one who attains birth on the lowest level of the highest grade. These three together are known as the contemplation of the highest grade of aspirants, and the fourteenth contemplation. To practise in this way is called the correct contemplation, and to practise otherwise is incorrect."
