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来源:宝莲禅寺   作者:
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  泰国菩培峦寺(Wat Phra Phai Luang)
  菩培峦寺(Wat Phra Phai Luang)距素可泰城墙约有1公里远,有护城河围绕,寺中立有3座高棉塔, 由佛像的碎块检测,推断此寺建于12世纪末,当时素可泰还是高棉王国的一部分,在位者是大家众所周知的Jayavarman王由规模来看,此寺应该是原来城市的行政中心。
  这三座高棉塔同样由左至右代表:大梵天王、湿婆神与那莱天王, 3座塔中只有大梵天王塔没有重建过的痕迹,它北面的灰泥装饰仍是原始的,西面的在13世纪后半有重修过。
  1965-66年修复此寺时, 寺中一座四角塔上大量的灰泥装饰坐佛倒塌,露出里面许多较小的佛像头部与驱干,后来的人将原先的佛像遮住的情况在此又出现了,所以我们可以看见有许多只有头,身体陷在塔中的佛。
  Wat Phra Phai Luang is the largest temple outside the city walls, and is second only to Wat Mahathat in size. In fact, the temple is older than the city, and was most likely built late in the 12th century during the reign of the great Khmer king, Jayavarman VII (the king who had Angkor Thom built).
  While the temple was obviously quite large and imposing in its day, you need to use a lot of imagination to see what it must have been like. The plan must have been a bit haphazard even when the temple was in active use, having grown and changed over many centuries, and now it is a jumble of scattered stones and bricks. Like most Buddhist temples, the buildings are aligned on an east-west axis, with the major images facing east.
  Near the eastern-most end of the main grouping are the barely recognizable remains of a large reclining Buddha. Behind this is a large mondop with monumental Buddha images on each of its four sides. Next in line are the remains of the main prayer hall, which back directly up against three large Khmer style prangs aligned north to south. Only one of the towers still remains largely intact.


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