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来源:宝莲禅寺   作者:
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  泰国菩斯里善佩寺(Wat Phra Si Sanphet)
  从西元1350年起,艾尤塔雅的皇宫就在现今菩斯里善佩寺(Wat Phra Si Sanphet) 这块地上,直到1448年包若玛特罗卡纳王(King Borommatrailokanat)将皇宫移至他处, 此地就转为僧院之用。
  包若玛特罗卡纳王的独生子拉玛提波地二世(King Ramathibodi 2)在西元1492年下令建造两座塔,就是今天看到的三座塔的东边及中间这二座,东边的那座存放父亲的骨灰,中间那座存放哥哥的骨灰。左边那座则是西元1532年, 拉玛提波地二世的儿子下令建造以存放父亲的骨灰。自此,菩斯里善佩寺就成为皇室宗庙, 围绕着的周围小塔都是后来的皇族骨灰,所以本寺的地位可比曼谷的玉佛寺。
  菩斯里善佩寺的名字由来是因为西元1500年,拉玛提波地二世下令铸造一尊高16公尺的立佛并敷以黄金, 这尊菩斯里善佩佛(Phra Si Sanphet)就成了皇室宗庙里最受尊崇的佛像,只是它现在已被请到曼谷的涅磐寺(Wat Pho)了。
  The three bell-shaped chedis of Wat Phra Si Sanphet have practically become a symbol of Ayutthaya. The temple stands almost in the center of the main area of the old capital.
  Wat Phra Si Sanphet was built by King Boromatrailokanat in 1448. It was reportedly one of the grandest temples in the ancient capital, and it is still one of the best preserved on the island. The temple took its name from the large standing Buddha image erected there in 1503. The image stood 16 meters (53 feet) tall and was covered with more than 150 kilograms (330 pounds) of gold. The Buddha was smashed to pieces when the Burmese sacked the city. King Rama I collected the remaining pieces and placed them in a chedi at Wat Po in Bangkok.
  Headless Buddha image at one end of Wat Phra Si Sanphet
  The three large chedis were built to contain the ashes of King Boromatrailokanat and his two sons, King Ramathibodhi and King Boromatrailokanat II. They are considered typical of the Ayutthaya style, and several replicas of them have been built in Bangkok, including the Temple of the Emerald Buddha.
  A toppled chedi behind the three chedis of Wat Phra Ai Sanphet.
  The three chedis were surrounded by a large cloister with lines of smaller chedis placed near the outer wall. At one end of the line formed by the three chedis is the remains of a smaller chapel with a now headless Buddha image. The graceful curves achieved with ordinary bricks is quite interesting to see.
  Around back of the three chedis, many of the small chedis along the outer wall have been toppled over. Though unfortunate, this does give you a rare opportunity to see the details of the top finials up close.


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